Yo! Need some help...

Hi all again...

So after i come back to play a littlei need some cfg since i dont get more than 40-60 fps (its like wtf). I am playing on a notebook. Its a quadcore cpu and dualvideo carded notebook. I can get almost 250 in cod4 but surly fix 125. Other games running fine too. But what to do with this ET to run atleast stable 125? any programs that works for using all 4 cpu or what to do? My old cfg is an fps config cause old times i played with a shitty pc i only had 40-60 on that too, but i just cant get it why i got the same on this pc... :(

Any solutions?
any programs that works for using all 4 cpu or what to do

so i wont be able to play ET with fix 125 or even 76 fps?
dunno i had stable 125 even with dualcore amd something and nvidia 7800gt

maybe your laptop cpu is crap or there is sumthing crazy in ur cfg
can you upload for me? the videos setting is enogh even if you write here
"I had"

got new pc now
whats with all these et problems lately, more than ever it seems
idd wtf I've never had any problems during my 8 years of playing this game....
so you play ET? how many fps you got and what pc you have? if you got 125 fkn send cfg :D
got 125 stable.
Type on google etpro ultimate installer, install it, choose " Nice cfg ". Profit
All the newcomers thanks to #ET of course
ur such a retard sometimes
Wow that hurt my feelings man
Vsync enabed?
Well maybe this will help you.


Btw what are you full specs?
Product Name dv6-6b08eh
Product Number QH621EA
Microprocessor 1.8-2.4 GHz AMD Quad-Core A8-3510MX APU with Radeon HD 6755G2 Dual Graphics
Microprocessor Cache 4 MB L2 cache
Memory 8 GB DDR3
Video Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6755G2 Dual GPU (1 GB DDR5 dedicated)

and that tutorial is not working, cant use with tzac. I tried without but still fail
Yeah well it shouldnt be a matter of specs or config that you can't run ET on 125fps, must be something else behind the problem. Anyway you can disable Crossfire and run with 1 GPU?
Well this dual thing means this got an integrated gfx in the cpu and got a dedicated if i dont use crossfire it only use the integrated...
that cpu looks very much like crap to me (im no expert) and afaik ET uses only cpu, not gpu (still not expert) use pbprior or something to run ET with +1 cores
afaik it only changes process affinity what u can do manually and wont affect ET
i got a new pc lately and i reinstalled et and iam using urtier.cfg and i have 125 stable np.
and its also a good pc with quadcore good gfx card etc...
I always had fps problems. but since I use zodiac's cfg its pretty much gone.
Also this might sound stupid but make sure you set your bettery type on high ( like the duration of it )
i have 1000 fps stable np.
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