Why am I not considered the best?

Was thinking about it earlier when going through some screenshots. Pretty much every game I play, I end up being one of the best players in. ET. RTCW. Brink. New Wolfenstein. And soon to be Dirtybomb.

But my question is, why am I not considered as one of the best players around? Sure I have this most hated status and people still hating hard but skill is skill and raw talent is raw talent :\

We all know my success in Brink which led to my team winning 4500 euros and me being able to play at the largest gaming event in the world, knocking out 24/7 praccers Dignitas easily but just falling short to Epsilon who had to abuse the grenade bug to win 1on1's.

Wolfenstein didn't last long at all but this screenshot ( http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/9085/ipwnwiolf.jpg ) says enough about my skills there. Was also a clip somewhere of me raping whole Dignitas team there but can't find it anymore.

I'd say I'm one of the top players in RTCW too, maybe due to my lag but doesn't matter. Random screenshots here: http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/9746/rollinnerds.jpg and http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/9371/nooobs.jpg

And we all know about my success in ET. 3 fragmovies all full of top content vs the best teams, despite my most hated handicap making it extremely difficult for me to play at the highest level. Me being the reason for any success UK has had in the last couple of years. Playing with some of the best players in colt45 and upping my performance at offline events.

So clearly I have a proven track record of being very talented at many different games. So back to the original question, why am I not considered one of the best players in fps games? Why am I not wanted by every single team out there? I should be the FPS equivalent to SpawN, I'm brown as well.
why do you all look the same?
Nice you guys met :D
He wouldn't stop spamming me ;(
what price your EGO?
8/10 would read again +1
Good read, got my vote
Are you implying he's wrong, mate?
oh god
that's more like it
just fops
gonna leave a comment here since you beg for them so desperately
gonna leave one euro here for you since you need it so desperately

image: 252px-Common_face_of_one_euro_coin
thats nicest thing anybody ever called me :*
This comment is actually funnier than your wall of text which is boring.
Since when you have had €?
Hehwhe I don't man. Dont tell anyone but I found this monies on the internets
haha man wp
best post in 2k13 so far
decent troll, 7,5/10
nah, RELOAd > you

but youre pretty close to the BIIIIIIG guys
Yeah but reload is fat and ugly and virgin
so youre jealous at him
xD hey cmon he's got a point here lads
implying ur not fat ugly or virigin
Look, I'm not fat OK
well, in case you are a coach and you have a striker and an allrounder for the striker position, you will definitely bench the allrounder!
Doesn't really make sense :(

If I'm best at all games, then I am the best choice for all. All rounder is "ok" at all games, I am a fucking beast bro
obviously not in ET, can't judge the others games though.
ok maybe im not _THE_ best in ET, but you get the picture
who's spawN? Also, top dmg vs stable, they bad
I did not play that game, balance in team was gone.
i always said that Kamz is in top ten et players, nothing new here, moving on...
thanks m8
wouldnt even consider you top 30.
not top 30 of 2013 remaining players? now that's just harsh :S
one might say that ive been too mild aswell
thanks m8
not even close to top ten.
you are shit @ rtcw, so generally you are shit
I was blind but now I can see!
easy answer: because you're not...
Played ET for 2-3 years and im better than you :P
leave trolling to proes ploz
i agree that kamz is full of himself and that he clearly isnt top 10 material, but you're not better than him
very entertaining, keeping cf alive!
u and ur team failed hard against supski in a 3v3 a couple of days ago...
myself and my team were absolutely devastated after this loss
just a decent troll , nothing more
same here

dunno lul
kamz new fatal1ty???

omg kamz stream pls
et merc avi /q Herpertti
Nuage Fractal
In my eyes, you are the best.
kamz alwyas maek nedrs mad Xddddddddddd
shit gamer (cheated, got busted but still was so bad haha :D), shit movies, shit life cos shit trollin instead of ever going out to face real life. but i get it mate, i'd prolly be afraid of life too if i were you
Mad cos I not maik your low movie? ;s
it's not low since you never got your hands on it to make it so. and you never will aaaaaaand u mad
in b4 2 years later; still looking for movie :((
else you would think you reached everything possible and you quit gaming so secret gaming government decided to not give you that status
Interesting theory. Will look into this.
dont, its not safe. your loved ones will come in danger!
6.7/10, you're trying too hard Manj
im too drunk toi read it ,will do that tomorrow, but since youre a nice guy, im with ya.. :)
Thanks pal
not pal at all, lmao
anway why noone is playin that new wolfenstein? It was pretty good!
And still, you are a sad case :)

I was about not to comment since you count every attention as an achievement, kinda sad.

But seriously, good troll 2 / 4.35.
Tbh i'd be the best FPS player with a new mouse and mousepad ggcu
Best gamers play on wood and windows mouse
actually this is what i do lol
avi to play any games, no kamz pl0x! /q
http://www.wimp.com/microphonefan/ <- me playing 3on3 and then u take the 2nd round :D
u r so pro on rtcw man... dont understan this hate idd. they even took razz now and they didnt call u. ppl must be blind...

or maybe not...
kamz we all know you are the BEST IN THE WORLD !
because your uglyyyyyyyyyy
lmfao kamz too good
taking wolfenstein as a reference point is just sad :c
Btw we won dignitas with an italian only lineup (!) in pracs thats not much of an achievement :P That game was just one huge bug :|
not only best player but also best moviemaker =)
He is the best and he fuck the rest !
nerds talking about games, do u even lift bro? You look small...
3/4 of the games u mentioned are already dead and had max 5 competitive clans

boyaka g9
One of the best at RTCW? I like you mate, but I don't think so!
Ok. But it is ridiculous how many bad players are playing in good teams
like who? on the top 4 teams (kih op raw one) every one is way better than u lol...
Now you're just being silly
still wondering who you are thinking of tbh mate :)
edit: i'd say pudi :p no offence pudi if you read this!
night and clown for example.

they are coasting off their et name but neither of them have the aim or knowledge to be good at rtcw
i agree with clown, but not nait really as he can be a gamechanger. i've experienced this myself during kreaturen vs cave, so there is no bias. However clown is fucking overrated :p
I'm better, SORRY MAIT
Only won in brink cos of me bro ;/// where was my AC invite?
What about best at a different type of game like fifa instead of similar shooters.
Wait, who are you?
Attention whore, either it's a troll or not, you don't come close to being funny or highskilled.
that was fcking rude from you ...
i was forced to do it by kamz telekenetic powers, but now im free!
image: kamz

love u too;)
hehe all so similar, which one is me im not sure :P
so what if he is trolling ( and by the looks of it mission accomplished, just look how many comments were posted here ), it still doesn't change the fact that he is very skilled, so instead of disrespecting him, all of you sheep could learn a thing or two from him.
You have to be a serious lame egoguy who doesnt post shit to be considered good,which you obv. never did
i likey your movies specially "this is et" keep up the goodwork who needs fanboys ?
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