Force your monitor to display a smaller image

Well, I'm playing on a 27inch screen. The screen itself is amazing, but it's a bit too big for gaming. Is there a way to force it to display a smaller image (by basically adding black bars to the top/sides)?

hmm take a knife and cut a part of ur monitor
u are welcome
Didn't work.
in gfx options.. something like "use center adjustement"
I believe both AMD and NVIDIA have scaling options in their control panels.
Trying to run AMD Catalyst it tells me "There are currently no settings that can be configured using Catalyst Control Center"
Well I'm afraid I'm no help with this, haven't had AMD card for 2 years now :/
r_fullscreen 0
r_mode -1
r_customwidth xxxx
r_customheight xxx
You sure the monitor doesnt have in options option to change it to 19" 21" or just 4:3 ?
That worked, thanks
Point a gun at it and blow it's chips off unless it displays a smaller image

image: monitor
Is it a full hd screen or higher
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