no more gameviolations:o

During the last months we had to deal with a huge number of false/fake bans and also with the possibility of faking PunkBuster-Screenshots.
Game-Violations has always been based on PunkBusters functionality. But at this point we are no longer willing to support PunkBuster, because it is simply not working anymore in any way.
Evenbalance is ignoring every single Bug/Error report and is not updating, rewriting or securing their code since years (the level of encryption used in PBUcon is ridiculous).
Since it is now becoming easy to ban innocent players because of the ignorance from Evenbalance we can no longer operate GV with a clear conscience. Some of those bugs we are not able to fix just by ourselves as those are deep inside the PunkBuster system itself.

It was a very hard decision to close our doors but it was the only possible conclusion.

We would like to thank you all for your great support over the last 9 years. We had a great time and made up some friendships that hopefully will last.
It was a pleasure for us to help some of you and we hope you won’t forget us that fast :)
Pretty new,Pb doesn't support ET anymore
orly? i aint talking about ET , other games as well
where for example cod4 was a big thing finding these cheaters with eyedent
It's not about the issue at ET's PB, it's about PB in general
Yeah, had a talk with thelamb and fruity about this topic lately, too sad :(
Brb, going to care
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