Shootmania bitches

Hey ladies,

long time not seen! How are you doing? Crossfire still as active as before (ofc not, cuz im rarely here)?

A friend showed me this interesting game yesterday and i am thinking about giving it a try.
What do you think? Could it have a future?

He told me that they are using a physicengine which is similar to the quakeengine ( so it is somehow possible to strafejump ).

image: tugging-clothes-g2
also trickjumping and trickshooting is possible
a big advantage is the mapcreator. since nadeon is the producer of trackmania + shootmania, it will be as easy as in trackmania to built maps. :)
its fun only the competitive play is fucked with this 3v1 system..
nice find!
wasn't really interesting to play
is there a demo ?
Don't know, since abzes gave me a key :/
open beta starts tomorrow, then you can try it ;D
i got bored of the game after 2 days :[
1vs3 sux
seems like it changed since i last played beta.
It wasn't so great back then
i had a beta key was testing it like a year ago, palyed it once didnt like how slow the gun shoots
newer played it since

looks so sick to play on the vids tho
gonna dl it ageyn tonait
its a good game, but you have to play more than a week to be used of it...

it can be boring sometimes, but if u get nice teamates and play on a decent level it isnt :)

imo it has best future than dirtybomb in case you wonder (because nadeo provide a nice support, thats easy to make a LAN/competition on this game, there are plenty of cups/LAN,...
think i still have 2 beta keys if anyone wants to try it drop me a pm
i think i forgot mine do you know who can i contact to recover it or if u can gimme one :D
if you didnt buy the game then ur beta access was only for a limited period of time.

If you did buy it then its all linked through ur email addy anyway so should be ok to just login when u hav downloaded the maniaplanet program
i got a key from one of the admins for testing so i guess its not working

would appreciate if you could spare a key for me :)
QuoteCould it have a future?

I'll speak competitivly (i'm playing in one of the best world team), -> Mod is Elite 3v3

This game is full of interesting competitions, online and obviously offline.
The game is still in beta stage and already there was some very huge events: GamesCom, IPL5, ESWC, IPL6(next month).

In france theres a ShootMania LAN every month, and every week theres online cash prized tournaments.

The big organisations already have a shootmania roster (dignitas, fnatic, x6tence, SK-Gaming, Epsilon,...).

I quitted ET some years ago, and with ShootMania it finaly gave me back the pressure games that i loved in w:et. The game is actually huge, and the competitions are very great, it just needs more player to get bigger and bigger.

ShootMania is in Alpha/beta stage since june of 2012, the beta will opens tuesday (12.02), so you'll just have to register to to have an access to the game!

I'll add some games on if you guys are interested to watch some nice games.

If you have questions about the game qme on -> PyRoGEN Hybr1d

Theres some other great players from w:et playing ShootMania activly: simoon, evl, kallenge, nicolas, nanoushka,

favorite fragmovie :D
you gotta give me some tipps then :)

such as what the hell are the objectives :P
can i use a cfg?
Elite 3v3 ->
- 1 attacker (with railgun), 3 defenders(with rockets) and every round it switchs
- The attacker has to kill the 3 defenders, or capture the pole (that is activated after 45sec)

Theres plenty other mods for FFA, but its more for the fun

Theres no .cfg like in ET, just settings that can be changed

you can find some stuff on
nice not mentioning gonna quit shootmania now :(
xD sorry :p I never played with you on ET so your my shootmania guy only <3
not mentioning a team romania w:et player. what a shame <3
im playing it since alpha stage.its good game.

now i have a bug tho,where half of my map is black,but im sure its gonna get fixed :D
Shootmania has clearly some huge potential. I'm playing it since alpha (may 2012) and i still love it. LANs on this gamemode are awesome =)=)
Give it a try since it will be on beta open tuesday.
Potty gave me a key for this and I tried it out, it looks like it got some potential, but would like to get mates to play it tho ;o
dont have money to buy it. someone pls just make me a gift :D
from tomorrow it will be free2play
nope? it will cost 19,99€ when its out. in beta it only costs 15,99
today it starts the open beta(dunno the hour tho).and on full release ,in april u will be able to play 2 modes(elite and royal) free(elite beeing the competition mode)
lol? cant find any information about that. do u have a link or so?

probably it will start in a few hours or smth
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