Fucking rocks

In fucking supply when allies are standing in front of the rocks it is fuckhard for me to distinguish them.
Also in any other maps.
Any solutions to this faggotry?
put map darker, enemies brighter.
and how exactly..
hmm, cant remember exaclty.
Quick google gave me this: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/28076-light-up-enemy/
i stopped reading after first post.
that is retarded as fuck.

the cvars related to brightness regulate the games overall brightness, and there is no distinguishment from enviromental brightness and player brightness. just as picmip makes both the map and players blurry.

A cvar that makes player models brighter DOES exist (r_ambientscale) but it is locked

point being: there is no way to make enemies brighter while keeping the map dark.
QuoteQuick google

they give some cfg's wich seem to have done a great job in making the enemy more visible then the default cfg. So this post could help him discover a solution for his problem, nothing retarded about that...
r_mapoverbrightbits 1.5
r_gamma 2.5
r_ignorehwgamma 1

youre welcome
rivatuner, pm razz for more info
it's actually allowed to use rivatuner to make opponents shine like a christmas tree :P
rivatuner is allowed to tweak one's graphics slightly with the intention of improving your fps.
it is however not allowed to gain a visual advantage over others, which is exactly this...
well, you can get the gammabug without actually changing maps, from what I know
but unlike shit with riva tuner, gammabug isnt achieved by using third party programs
same effect, I don't see why people with shit eyes shouldn't use it :D
r_mapoverbrightbits 1
r_overbrightbits 1
r_intensity 1.5
r_ignorehwgamma 1
r_gamma 3
I like it in quake live where you can select for your enemies to always be green motherfuckers
Yeh I remember that shit. Turn wallhack off and just leave bright colours on.
use a higher sens
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