what if money was no object


do you agree?

just my curiosity
what if m1tja had a penis
what if torm stopped asslicking
what if ipod wasnt arab
playing and teaching guitar isnt going to buy me a house :<
a guitar itself might
what if polak had money
you crazy...
thank you for sharing :)
Got alot of ideas but probally, Be a Archeologist, explore things that havent been explored yet, be a pirate, take over the world
Build a dream-fueled spaceship made from the corpses of those with dreams. Problem?
Prac Hard, Go Pro

in ET ofc
do nothing but I am afraid its not true that if I get really good at it I will get good money :s
i saw this before & its a brilliant video.

I would just make music all day
I would move to Canada and ride snowmobile every day of the year, doing it when i finish school anyways :o:P
Alan Watts was a great philosopher, his lectures are very thought provoking.

"If you say getting the money is the most important thing, you'll spend your life completely wasting your time.
You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living that is to go on doing things you don't like doing"
czesc janusz!
czesc marvolo :D
co tam
a no leci leci ;D kiedy jakis mix ;>? grasz wgl w et jeszcze?
ostatnio nie gram, od lana w sumie :D ale moze cos pogram niedlugo to dam znac :P
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