dafuq haha
Guy playing on womens asses
16 Feb 2013, 14:34
This was on today's news so I went to check it, HD is recommended
top 2013 youtube vid i guess :)
seeing that a large percentage of people actually already had sex at some point in their lives i highly doubt that.
So this is for you all about sex?
thing is noone did that. And ur talking about ppl who had sex and no, they won't check it. Bitch pls
hes trying to say that this video is very funny.. for virgins
If it's on 24ur.com, it's old.
v cajtnug sm vidu. Se prav je old sj vidm da je 7 januar sam predn to pride v slovenijo...
Jah, novinarstvo na višku :)
jp, pisal je včeraj objavljen neki... pa vidm datum na youtubu pa 7 feb.
Im jelly