Norwegian Army goes Harlem Shake!

Probably one of the best versions I have seen so far
and the first! at least on reddit

old but gold etc
you will never serve in the Norwegian army though.
Con los teroristas
Where Domi?
ok this vid is not bad but the whole harlem shake idea is so dumb wtf
already saw ittttt
The guy falling out of the window is probably the funniest
Harlem Shake.. ok.. whats that?

did i miss something again? like gangnam style, big glasses, weird pants etc.?
was thinking the same :D
same here

enlighten me please..
check below
its new, internet standards - old
Some dance made up by some drunk black dude from Harlem like 10/15 years ago or so. A DJ called Baauer made a song last year or so called Harlem Shake. I think reddit or w/e got hold of the song some weeks ago and now everyone does "the harlem shake"
What about the Filthy frank ?
Actually that's wrong. -> this is the original one which started the hype.
and what is so funny with that ??? or cool with that ???
Well the plot is funny and it's not long and it goes viral etc
Actually no, I am correct. As I said, a DJ named Baauer made a song called the Harlem Shake and people got the idea of making these videos to it in february.
You are wrong.
No, I am not.
Yes, you are..
No, I am not. Now fuck off.
I know what I'm talking about, you don't
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guy at window :D
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