Fragmovie Music

Hello friends!! :)))

After we once again failed to qualify for the finals of NationsCup most of the Australian scene (or the ones that matter ;p) have decided to call time on their playing careers. Luckily our legendary Australian Moviemaker Australia Volta has decided to make a movie for us to remember all the good & bad times we had! :))

Unfortunately, we currently do not have any good tunes so we require your assistance!

[18:43] Volta - Drum & Bass stuff I rekon
[18:43] Volta - Kinda experimental
[18:43] Volta - No rock
[18:43] Volta - Interesting beats

Help some cool dudes out please & u will receive shoutout in whats sure to be one of the best fragmovies you will ever see :))))))))))
Heeeeeeellloooooooo Midas,

Why you quit on me?
Cant handle the ping anymore :(( Where you been!!
gonna be shit movie, only rock is good
i still want the fucking songname of joshua's and fobje's trailer u nerdface :(

give it pls :(
Link me to the movie
both have been on own3d :(
gl with it :P
Quote[18:43] Volta - Drum & Bass stuff I rekon
[18:43] Volta - Kinda experimental

This sounds like a job for the man, the myth, the one and only United Kingdom ScarZy!
Good luck to this talented moviemaker! Looking forward to it!
+1 these kind of journals are created every second day though :p

Also there is a sticky on the best D&B of all time too!
(It was supposed to be helpful, not to say smth similar got created days ago)

Ye =)
omg midas omg
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