Need artwork for Shoutcast

Good day dear Crossfire frequenter!

As some of you might know, DtS and I (voice) form a shoutcasting duo called!
While we started out to provide some extra coverage for the RtCW cup, we soon realised we like the whole casting job and want to do lots more of it!

Now, after expanding our broadcasting territory to the ET scene with coverage of ODC's and the NC and the new game Dirtybomb in the future, we'd like to 'professionalize' the image of our cast a bit more.
Realising that despite the homage to the great RtCW V-say v586gg. the current name is an absolute horror to pronounce and sometimes even harder to remember, we're on the verge of renaming our shoutcast service.

Before we're going to go live with the new name however, we'd like to have some artwork done to profile ourselves with. Think logo's, banners, wallpapers - the whole nine yards!
Since our best efforts to create something ourselves did not get any further than some lame MS Paint text image (to get rid of the even worse twitch image) we need some help from one of the design guru's that lurk in these shadows.
While we have not much to offer in return other than some mad shoutouts and a mention on the twitch page and facebook, we hope that in the future (after we've become shoutcasting billionaires) we'll be able to repay the efforts.

If anyone is interested in hearing their name mentioned by 2 weird guys on the internet every time they try and cast a game, or you're just really gifted and want to show off your amazing skills:
Contact DtS or myself trough PM on Crossfire or come and find us on IRC at

Hope to hear from you soon <3
Check us out on Tuesday as we cover USA vs Estonia!
Good work boys nice to see some shoutcasters back to ET! Should motivate owzo to get back into aswell a trio :)
gl guys!
you'd be better off getting dts some english lessons
My english degree and journalism diploma say otherwise. Watch what you say or I'll write a really snide article about you.
I think I could help you guys,
/q motnage
cheers and good luck.
nice one guys, from what i listn last times it sounds allready rly good :) u have learned a lot from WW and his team, keep on going! you did well! :)
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