Eurovision 2013

Well,its coming,
Post who you think should represent your shitty ass country,like crossies gives a fck.
Mine iz Israel Shany Zamir , damn she has teh voice and she's hothothot.

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tbh,ez bash for the zionists this time if she wins the first phase.

would be interesting if the voting was non political

like they would declare war on their neighbours for not giving them 12 points..
yes you are right, sweden are so afraid of us that they always give us 12 points. also, rumours on the street say that if russia don't receive a decent amount of points from us, they might try to push the boarderline in the Barents
i think this eurovision is getting worse and worse every year
MoldovaMoldova Eurovision 2010 - Never Forget <3
I want a European countrsy to win


also they need to make rule that you can only sing song in your mother language

i fucking hate that germans always participate with english songs
I found it funny,that you reply to yourself instead of editing :D
Well,Israel is yet not a part of the european union,but in some ways we known to be an european country,as we take parts in all of the european competitions,in Soccer,Basketball and eurovision.
and that's fucking retarded... You live in a fucking desert
Not quite a desert,more like a developed one.
stop arguing youre not european when you look like a camel herder
Why should I stop while you are totally wrong? there are Arbas,and there are Jews,two different things.
Can't see how better is Canada,beside weed.
bottom line is, you're not european and your country is not in europe.
Bottom line is,go back to school and learn to read.
Never said Im living in europe neither said that Israel is an european country,dude just wondred about Israel participating in the eurovision,so I said yet we are not a part of europe,but we do take part in the europe competitions,why? well,that's another reason for you going back to school,Im done teaching shitfbags basic facts.

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"Israel is not yet part of european union" ^^ does that bring you the right to call yourself a european country if you would join eu?? Imo not.
If we would join,we might have dat right.
But yet,we didnt,so this argument is like a used condom,useless.
Let us do what we do best,kill little children.
hahah I should learn to read? He didn't ask why israel is participating in european competitions, he said he couldn't understand why because they are not a part of europe at all. He was also mocking your country if you didn't catch that.

Also, you can never be a part of europe as you geographically are located in Asia (this should be pretty basic to everyone aged 8 and above). You are competing in european competitions because none of your neighbours + a bunch of other asian countries don't want to have anything to do with you. Therefore you come to us, don't make you any more european because of that.
Whoever has hit chicks isna winner in my eyes.
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