TZAC Windows 8

Daenji just got Windows 8 and tzac is not working...
ET works
is anyone here who got the same problem or a solution for it?
use win7
jo mann du still spielst et?
not yet, but maybe soon ;D
bought a laptop for my mom last week & it has win8. Must say it the shittiest OS that windows ever created. I'm gonna just install win7 on it, and you should do the same ;)
I though the same when i used the betas / final version BUT after some time, drivers got better and with some special tools i can say it's alot faster than W7. Been using it on my laptop for a while and it's alot faster, specially booting / shutting down.

ps: i use a tool to get start menu back, so it always boots there instead of the "new menu".
also got the same start menu thingy with classicshell, but i can't seem to remove those hot corners (when you go the right and the time pops up and the search window etc) :( any suggestions? if i would be able to remove that i would let it stay on win8

already tried using classic shell & even registry edits
There is no way to remove that afaik, BUT there a program called "Metro killer" that should do it. Never used though.

U need to put in on auto start and kill it everytime u boot pc...
thx! i'll try it out :)
Windows XP, still the best.
thats utter bs
indeed cause win 2000 is the best and everyone should know that
I'm on XP right now on my laptop and every single application that I ever use on my stationary running Windows 7 works flawlessly on XP as well. The OS is light as fuck, the interface is not dumbed down alá Windows 7 and as far as themes go it's still superior. The only proper flaw as I see it is the ram limitation. It's a great OS - seriously.
xp is far surperior to many other options, that much is true.
newer isnt always better either. i see no point of making a transition to win8 on a desktop or pretty much anything that isnt mobile.
xp is outdated tho and continued support and updates is something that cant be disregaded.
you did mention the only real technical shortfall of xp tho, its dodgy 64bit version.
i would never wish to go back to 32bit or a half broken 64bit OS that isnt being updated and/or fixxed.

quite frankly i find that the people who post +1 underneath comments like yours are usually not enthuisasts but people with shitty PCs and a limited budget.
It's true, but then again people who lurk around here play games such as ET, QL, CoD4 and the like. And really can you blame them? It's not like the newest games hold very high standards.. and since these older games do not require heavy hardware then there really isn't too much of a point in switching to the newer OS, unless you're into video/image editing and such.

If it wasn't for the ram limitation then I would still be using XP on my stationary pc, and I'm dead serious about that [x

As far as updates go for XP, the first thing I do after a fresh installation of XP is to turn off the updates, the system already works great "out-of-the-box" as long as it's a modified performance edition running SP3.
microsoft has vastly improved windows since xp, hell -- even windows 8 is better than XP in terms of quality (yeah everything else about win8 sucks I know)
I'm trying to come up with things that microsoft has improved on and I don't really see them.

Taskbar is supposedly improved, the default Windows 7 design is horrible, turning on the classic mode fixes this. Being able to move taskbars is an improved feature, but it's nothing I ever use.

Aero is supposedly an improved feature, but for me it's nothing but disgusting.. Window snapping is something that I never saw as very useful either.

Enhanced security is actually tarnished security, UAC is useless and it's one of the first things I disable on Windows 7.

Media streaming is supposedly improved as well, but sharing between computers is nothing I ever had issues with either. I'm sharing between my XP and Windows 7 as well as streaming media to my PS3 with XP.

Performance is supposed to be better with Windows 7, I think the people who talk about this should try a lighter version of XP, or they must be referring to Vista. XP Performance Edition runs really fast for me even with poor hardware.

The quick search is effective on Windows 7 but there are plenty of light apps out there for XP that can do the same thing if not more powerful.

These are really the only things I can think of and for me they do not warrant being called vastly improved.
When you have a fast pc with SSD, windows 7 work better and faster than windows xp. But xp > 7 in a slow pc.
MY XP 64 with sdd work faster :DDDDDDDDD only 6 sec when u turn on pc :) so? who is best ? :D
Bacause windows xp have less files to load, That why xp is faster than windows 7 for booting. XP is not optimized for SSD, 7 yes. And btw your SSD will die soon without TRIM, hf mate ;).
sorry but my modifation of xp is support ssd hdd i f u good search in gooogle u cant find more ideas then u think :)
cheers :)
i got XP64 bit :)) and dont have problem with ram all games work if u will be have problem with driver use from windows server 2003
Yea, I was thinking about driver compatibility and such. Interesting about windows server 2003 drivers, might give it a try :D
a system based on the kernel code a great NT Server 5.2 to 2003, so that has excellent stability

that u need sametimes driver to server 2003
Hur gick de me musen ??
Fick fylla i ett formulär, inte fått svar än :d
got no problems with win8 i use to use normal start bar.
Run as admin
got no problem with it, what does it say?
mach als admin :)
right now atm, tzac is not working in general, for noone... maybe an update going on or smth..

Classic shell is the first thing I did before anything else on my new laptop that ran windows 8.

TZAC worked for me, All I had to do was run it as admin
Is their any Windows 7 that is like tinyxp ?
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