harlem shake

so its geting quite popular recently, I was already geting bored of this but recently people from my school decided to make one by themself and I just wanted to share it with you


it's getting popular on facebook pretty fast 5k likes in 1 night ;3 so much fame
pls stop this shit, its not funny more.
We made this with my class a few days ago:
nice one :D
t'es où bro ? :D
j'y suis pas au debut. Apres jsuis vers le milieu gauche avec un pull gris masque blanc et coiffe violette sur la tête! No joke plz
that was funny :D
one of the worst ever tbh

they're planning to do one in my uni too. Shittards who've never seen anything else than a syllabus and a can of pepsi
at least the chick was hot
5k likes but only 1,3k views, okay
afaik views are only updated every hour or so, while the number of likes is updated instantly :P
Doubt it as he said last night on zeh topic
video is posted on some fanpage on fb so you don't watch video on youtube directly - doesnt count views in that way
Really? Youtube should fix that
why or how is this harlem shake shit even funny
coz they do stuff that normally ppl dont do XDD
and they just do it coz they so random XD
kateslabije 20 godz. temu
takich jak wy powinno sie zabijac przy urodzeniu..
takich jak wy powinno sie zabijac przy urodzeniu..
dude, just say to the girl on the "table" that i'm avi to give her some pleasure u polaks cannot manage to give :DD
20 guys 1 girl in a polish bathroom
XDDD harlem shaek :DD:D::D:DDDDD
I expected you guys would make her fall down... boring video.
get frog leg from local shop
:XDDDD bro i voted for you for best rifle award but that shit got deleted :ssss
we need a virus that kills dumb people
Fuck harlem shake its fucking shit and fuck you
Did you all gang rape her after?
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