CF Awards *update*

Tomorrow I will write a nice new item on the Crossfire Community Awards and do it more formal.

Today, I got home and read about all that negative feedback. It's not about me not being able to handle criticism, I just don't know why I should put a lot of effort into something when others cant be arsed about it.

Still some people talked to me that I should host the cup anyway, despite of people hating for clearly no reason.
This way I may look like a woosh, by saying I won't do it anymore, then after I will host it again. Well everybody makes mistakes.

I'll put up a nice newspost tomorrow etc etc.

In the meanwhile keep voting:
tl;dr version?

host it via crossfire ?! :D
Fucking said it
so sad
I guess it was only you who was astonished by all those people complaining, when trying to host something nice and fun
People here are idiots, but it's pretty pathetic they cant even make this without "trolling"..

heeey, I also backed up by "offending" NzZ!
Don't worry, ill make an awesome rtcw fall cup community awards newspost soon!
the RtcW community is much nicer than the ET community.

These awards are awesome nonetheless, good luck bro!
Its a shame that so many ppl whined about your nice effort..

Thx bro ;)
rtcw community is smaller, most of them have known each other for +4 years and all of the newcomers at least are known from et. when et gets down to 75 players im pretty sure nobody will mix with the dickheads (like@rtcw).
we r 30 actually... ow 31 with hurbt
plot twist: this was just a scam to get our IPs
Because getting an IP is very hard yes :P I'm being honest m8
preparing for DDoS
why are u trying to put effort into this community?
why are you being such a fucking dick
better effort than playing 90 3on3 offis per month and saying that's keeping ET alive and you're awesome cuz you do that :)
more like u do that since stray doesnt play any ET at all :P
I was reffering to what he did when he was still playing ET. You have to know that to fully understand my comment :)
well then write it in such a way next time so no one misunderstands :X
but still stray is right in the way that putting too much effort in an almost dead community doesnt help much :p
lol'd never saw that well not that often on this site :X
"by stRay • 28 Jul 2011" ;) i realised how useless it is to waste my time at this shit ;)
xDDD lol das uralt
welcome to the smart side
what do you waste your time on now then? :P
girlfriend, work, family, partyhard and cs:go :x)
good to hear, at least not LoL or SC2 (people die @ home playing those games :S)
nah i cant be arsed playing such "brainupfuck" games
was ages ago, I just remember that cuz he raged at me mucho :D
i didn't say that it's bad effort he's doing, just asking why he's trying to do that for such bimbos like u^^
He's not :D
Did the mighty ducks give up after losing so many times? Did Hitler give up after the numerous assassination attempts? Did MLK give up because of the oppression he faced? Did we give up after all the flame we received from the draft cups announcement? NO, and neither should you!
I get your point, but it's just frustrating when you're trying to do something nice and fun for this community, and all you get is negative feedback. So why should I waste my efforts?
I was only joking around btw, but you need to ignore the few idiots because the majority will appreciate it.
here's one way of looking at it... take the "negative feedback" for what it is and adapt whatever the majority seems to be upset over. Grow up and learn to take some criticism, if they whined about you hosting an event / cup there must be a reason for their whine, figure out what it is.. change it. It's that easy to please a community, believe it or not. But sitting here pointing fingers like a little boy whining and complaining about the fact that someone may have disliked your idea, is hardly any better.
atleast u can realize how CB admins feel
Did the admins on crossfire give up after the release of CF4? N... YES!
I love you.
I disliked many of the 'new' admins but from what I've seen lately I'm sure I was wrong. They are motivated to breathe life in to the competetive scene though it appears to be near impossible as every game eventually comes to its end.
However I think that the news posts, announcements etc are much less official and formal nowadays. You need to earn the respect you want to get from the community by hosting cups&events that run properly, write posts which attract the viewers.
fuck i wont receive my best panzerman award :s
So basically you ran something that has many flaws and goes far away from tried out and good formula and you go bananas, deleting everything cuz feedback wasn't "OH GREAT SOMEONE DOING SOMETHING FOR THE COMMUNITY" something being bad.
Nice tim, only 1 thing.. Best newcomer in 2013... We're only febr atm :/
newcomers should be new imo..
true but I think it will be better to ask this question in december for example, who was the best newcomer 2013.
Got best sniper and best panza(which are used once per round or never) but no best spammer and best movement/TJ/obj runner?
More categories for GAV!
Because sniping is far better than the others you mentioned!
U really need to get out more.
If I were you, I would change construction of your sentences. When I read your questions, it came up to my mind that you're asking about present time or about all-time :) Who was the past year seems way more clear to me.
Inb4 "it's cf awards 2013 in the headline".
it's cf awards 2013 in the headline
it's cf awards 2013 in the headline
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