DLNA streaming - need help!

I have a LG TV and a Blu-Ray Player - able to connect to my WLAN. Now my question is: What kind of tool do I need to watch e.g. a livestream from twitch on my tv screen. I do have NeroMediaHome - so i can select a specific folder with my pictures/movies - and I can watch them on the tv screen...thats working..but I am unable to get my actual pc monitor on the tv screen (which is possible through a hdmi connection...but that should be possible with the wlan as well - or not?)

thanks in advance
Not sure about that, it maybe worth asking Warwitch as he does it on his 60'' screen :)
i only do know that u can stream videos on your pc to the TV already did that with my Sony Bravia
but never could do project the screen from the monitor to the TV :(

if u have a NVIDIA grafic card try to set up something in the systemcontroll panel of NVIDIA maybe there is something i didnt find
Just ditch DLNA all together, worthless piece of shit.
First of all you need to ensure your Blu-Ray drive able to read any streams.

VLC has a lot of streaming options and works quite well. But it lacks of good documentation so you risk to spend a lot of time before it start to work as expected.
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