New managers, new cf new me!

I am now back to the loving old potty.

Feel free to welcome me back as I am no longer going to flame you. I would like to thank family and friends for giving me the chance to come back. Big thanks to the hanlon brothers for giving me a new crossfire LIFE.

ET almost 10 years old... new cup TBA soon? We will see :)

To strike up a debate, let me hear what you have to say about crossfire and maybe the direction you'd like to see it take!
More active admins, more RtCW and Tosspots farewell should be 'News' :)
sorry buy more RtCW surely isnt the way crossfire should develop.

only way for cf to survive is to take care of some new, popular games, and still on a side support hard ET.
This is such an exciting day for Crossfire. I would like to see more cups and content!

g5 boom!
I left g5. I am no longer a player, sorry :(
gay 5 g3g3 D:DD:D: X:D
I also liked the other potty even if he was anti-frenchs
Welcome back old potty :))))
Love all around now player.
Don´t know if i can enjoy you if you are just gone be nice from now on potty, you need to flame people and say some weird shit every once in a while
There will always be a little angry potty left in me. But the nice guy in me is shining back through strong!
"little angry potty"

sorry but that thought scares the fucking shit out of me
RTCW/ET related: Some fuckin integrated download database would be hawwt ,wit all dem oldschool shits startin from day #1* (movies/demos/tools/pics,tits)
- -
Meanwhile: dj-chile (
No! dat sucks now >:(
id like to get back the old design. possible?
This is never going to happen, but I can fulfill small ( lack of time and interest :) ) requests and enhancements.
I was just looking at your profile and I'm not under the (SAW) roster :'(

Bro, you cannot be on my roster as you removed me as a buddy. I felt hurt and unwanted.
Probably a misunderstanding when CF migrated to 4.0 :D
suck more dick man
What made you change my friend
Change made me change, my friend.
Hahaha , lovely comments on Williams post potty,
That was the old me. Though if my comments were directed towards a white kid wanting to be black who cheats and flames people for being bad. Then my points are valid.
Crossfire has to make sure that it gets the #1 Dirty Bomb community site, therefore admins and users need to work together and not act like fags
already too late
Why to late?
This community is shit I wouldn't see why new dirtybomb guys would want to come here, plus I am certain there are dirtybomb communitiesites already out there
Well, we will just have to push this site as a main Dirty Bomb site, that will be the job of the new Managers.
Hosting the first few DB cups, creating exclusive DB content and make sure that old ET-twats dont ruin the fun for the next generation.
Never going to happen, too many people living in the past here I am afraid.
We just have to ban those people and welcome a new generation to CF :D
Like I said, never going to happen.
new potty !! cant believe it
More like OLD potty :)
nice to see the old potty's back :) " raised the dead "
fuck off
Sticks and stones my friend, sticks and stones.
that kind of undignified response on such a journal is unwanted my friend.
Hello Potty, I am back aswell. But still I'm an asshole ;-)
No, I have to disagree. I think you are a solid chap! :)
Hehe, thank you. Nice to see you back mate <3
Hey potty you all better now man?
Mental health is almost the way it needs to be. I think people forget I lost a few years of my life for a month or so with amnesia. It does do crazy things to you and though I dont want to blame it for my anger, I feel it has changed me for good.
good to know! Just curious if you forgot a few years of your life did you remember me? :D
I didnt forget you because I wasnt online during my time of forgetfulness.
So I was the reason you were hated filled? :`(
Not by any means! Just need more motivatation on the website. I feel you did a great job in the past, don't get me wrong. But the last 18 months have been a real struggle to try keep active on this website. I don't want to directly blame the release of CF4 but it almost had the "brink" feeling about the site. Improvements were needed but failed to arrive quick enough. I think it is almost the way it needs to be now but it probably shouldn't of been release at the time it was.
hello Potty old pal
omg xedos, where have you been... da fuck you are still alive :D
yo Tim, alive and kicking it up in Köln still :)
OH MY! xedos you old git! How you keeping?
I like when you flame me, this site gets boring without flamewars sometimes!
what the fuck is this faggotry?
fuck off
What you fucking saying you paki wanker?
thats more like it
Not sure if good news or madness.
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