HB Panda
28 Feb 2013, 10:10
26 years ago, in rainy (assumingly) night in Wales, a child legend was born. Since that ungodly night, people in northern parts of British Isle, have been living in fear. In a fear of meeting this horrendous creature at dark parts of the internet. Especially at the back alleys of Goldrush, where he feasts on the souls of lone engineers and miss-placed medics. Sometimes even consuming the lifeforce of his own teammates, just to grab yet another kill. In recent years, his hunger has grown. The internet just isn't enough anymore, he wants to hunt in real life too. Facebook Folklore says that nowadays he is roaming somewhere around Germany, riding with his some-what-trust-worthy Datsun, searching for Nazi Gold and helpless, often quite drunken, victims.
authors note: Some of the facts might be wrong, cba to check them all. And I don't have a song for him now, first one to post some Sentenced will get a special prize!
authors note: Some of the facts might be wrong, cba to check them all. And I don't have a song for him now, first one to post some Sentenced will get a special prize!
and hb to panda