Assassines Creed 3+ Ingame currency in worth of 110 Euro for Planetside2,World of Tanks and Hawken

So i recently bought a new GPU and this came with it for free. i have no need for this stuff, if any1 is interrested in any of these message me.
ofc for a little exchange^^

ps: assassines creed 3 is "as long as supply lasts", so if its not available anymore we can reverse that
pss: the 110 euro bundle for those 3 games is a complete pack , meaning u cant buy just for 1 game...
dat google translator
dat google translator good :<
Just got the same ordering a gtx 66 ti :D
lol me too, but they wanted me to download from a lame website and i would have to run a steam-like application just to run the game.. nothx harrr
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