ClanBase Ladder Maplist Changes

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Dearest community,

Today, some changes have been made to the maplists of the CB ET ladders.

We've removed erdenberg_b2 and tc_base from the 3on3 ladder. The maplists for the 2on2 ladder and 3on3 ladder are now both the same.

The 6on6 ladder maplist was also switched up a bit - library_b3 has been replaced with frostbite.

The new maplists for each ladder can be found below.

ClanBase ET 2on2 Ladder:

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

ClanBase ET 3on3 Ladder:

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

ClanBase ET 6on6 Ladder:

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_battery
  • sw_goldrush_te

Sorry to those who may disagree with these changes. We will likely be announcing in the near future a brand new competition which will involve our ET ladders at ClanBase, so stay tuned!

ClanBase ET 2on2 Ladder
ClanBase ET 3on3 Ladder
ClanBase ET 6on6 Ladder
I will certainly play more ladder matches now! :)

next ice and beach

yes <3
would only agree if they switched it for reactor or some other nice maps.
and also frost and adler and deli and b4
if they remove ice from the mappool I will quit ET

Instead of removing maps, why don't you just add more? What does it cost you? Not talking about erdenberg, cba, removing this map is stupid
Some people doesn't like erden and base, so hey, let's just remove those. I don't like beach and ice, can we remove this? thanks
Exemple : 6on6 ladder. Every single match, EVERY SINGLE, supply / grush / radar are being played. Why don't you add more maps instead? karsiah / braundorf.. I dunno, maybe more. Teams will have more choice and it'll bring some fun by playing "new" maps.
boycott CB
Already boycotting ESL cups :(
i like this
its about removing useless maps that when played destroys the match with their awfulness
Erden isnt useless map.
dunno why great maps like et ufo is not there ;x
cuz it aint ESL
nice life
still waiting for the addition of et_ufo before my great comeback :)
hey Spain bro, when is your great comeback scheduled?
it depends on yours or et_ufo's, pal!
Parent only beaten once on this map !!!
finally, coming back to et now
god yes, erdenberg and library suck so hard.. too bad about base though, but overall great changes
b4 / karsiah for 6v6
Why for the love of god has erdenberg, a map which is being played more than most of the maps on that list in officials , been removed?
b4 and Karsiah for 6on6 plox
the hell, erdenberg was a good map actually! why not remove beach instead? or instead of removing add more maps such as reactor or ufo :/ this was a bad decision mate , no offense
frost <3333333
loled about Erdenberg xDDDDDDDDDDDD

remove Supply cause of insta double fullhold :P
WE NEED KARSIAH BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, this is very awarding for the mappers. You took all the latest maps out. This surely will give motivation for mappers to make new maps.
This is epic, fucking +1
you removed our home maps, damn itttttt
I think we need a system who will choose a random map so we can play all the maps.

Sorry but im bored of supply/goldrush combination.
that would be awesome !
Karsiah_te2 in for sw_battery @ 6on6 and all will be fine
Glad to see that library has been removed and replaced with Frostbite, altho, i would still like to see Karsiah_te2 in, as its pretty decent map, on the other side, removing Erden, just cus some ppl are to braindead to play it, is pure bullshit.
no base for 3o3? =U
Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a child?
hmm? i don't get it so perhaps yes :D
Nigger please, quitting this shit game now that my homemap Erdenberg is no longer in the maplist.
Dont understand why maps get removed. Bcos the med skilled gys on gtv can only play 2 maps i guess.
Bring reactor back best map ever!
lol, removing maps in dead game, this is pathetic, you should add more insted, god what a fucking retard
says the redface, get some sunscreen please ffs
says the alboino face, get some real sun on your face please
Butthurt cause you look like a tomato in the face?:s
Maybe i like being a tomato, better than being a total cunt.
Anyone who thinks that TC_Base is a good map worth playing needs to be shot.

While your cleaning up the garbage you should take away the other two RTCW maps.
they are not garbage beacuse you can't play them or too low to play em
I'm sorry but I have most likely played this game a lot longer than you have. You are totally clueless why these maps are so much worse than most others.

I have defeated opponents arguably better than I (team) am and lost versus opponents who can barely aim at a stationary target due to a RANDOM FACTOR giving you a huge advantage or disadvantage.
there is no random factor, if you consider the possible risks you take by knowing the map isn't split in stages. (example on ice: getting full because you are rambo and letting them take docs & have a free run, that's your own fault, not a random factor).
Ugh I will just give you two words.

Or the fact that defusing in tc_base is barely possible since you need almost 25 seconds to get back up given there is more than 1 allied guy there.
what about them? on rtcw its 30 / 30 and i believe on et its 25 / 30
Needs more beerrun.
still waiting for reply retarded clownbase

removing new map to put old map

in 6months someone will complain about "we need new map for ET lulz"

i remember years ago there was some french cup (boulards cup :D) with map like: drubrovnik, hog b12, and others jaymod map PLAYABLE in ET wars, this was the best cup i have enjoyed @ 6on6

i would definitly play a cup full of map like that.
j'avais gagné a l'epoque en 2mins sur et village contre les PPM en div 5 boulards cup :'D jMMpp come back or wat
jamais aimé et village

toujours ready pour mettre la (t)rollface on
the fuck u removing erden?

stupid cunt tho

gib ihm !!! :D
stupid cunt! removing erden?
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