GG tzac

yesterday/today on nbs
image: 2nj8vgi

image: 2wexncl

image: 2eydezs

Btw, did anyone hear about tzac recently? Just worried how's chaplja on his holiday feeling guilty after his lovely promises.. :(
smaku, i am disappointed :(
smakuu king of bio.
Smaku stole tzac with id 9950 <- wrong info
They have similar ip but not identical. Smaku is smaku, susol is susol - 2 different guys
there are lots of ppl who cheated on tzac before and now they are playing again e.g aima is not accurate in IP matching
nick,ip + guidsproofer (or whatever it's called..)

You dont see the full IP, so you cant even say for sure.
defend the hackers moar!
You are giving no actual proof. And wait, aren't you playing with Jetro yourself?
I've never played with jetro?
I hoped you would reply on my first sentence, but I guess I hope too much .
No need to, since it's easy to use (or atleast it seems - everyone is using it at pub..) guidsproof (or whatever its called..) - his nick, ip and voice on ts are enough, but not my work to ban him..
tak wiec smaku fajnie bylo zobaczymy sie na Twoim nowym koncie :PP
just said that was fun playing with him, and i'm looking forward to see him on a new tzac ;p
Lets shoot sum nubs together?
how surprising :D
tzac is useless these days chaplja is like offline for 2 months.
PLS Search a other game ET is dead.
PLS get rectal cancer
Haha kiddy your so mad :) hf spending your time in ET
and why not spend time in et ? why he should change game ?
if he have fun ?
nah i was pissed off one time,because i played vs banned hacker (TZAC working fine,although he got paid for it...) and wanted to try something new (CS:GO or new CoD..) but it wasn't as enjoyable as ET sometimes is.. just waiting for Dirty Bomb now..
Good story BoBika. Hows your ET carreer your new in this community
And how was yours in the "Old Community"? Would like to hear more.
well for starters, he wasnt tzac banned like he is now :)
what's the difference spending the same ammount of time on ET or any other game?
because if you spend your time in game many play, you are cool kid. if you spend same amount of time on game only few play, you are sad nerd..

..or something like that
seems legit
yea i dont get why people still use their time sitting at pc and playing et, et is dead for me.
It would be dead for me as well, if after 9000 recruitment topics, i still wouldn't have a team for more than two weeks.
luls,chaplja killed et!again!
lol smaku was/is/will ever be shit in [insert any game]

owned him so many times
i believe you.

It just pisses me off...
try not to ;)
you know, ET/RTCW was first game i ever played on PC and i play it till now, unlucky (although thanks to my age :D ) i wasnt able (didnt maybe even know...) to play ETPro till some 08/09 -- only on pubs..

I watched the games like NC and EC on gtv, but i didnt play on some high level (or active,cups etc..) so now i want atleast to play some 3o3 cws without fucking homo cheaters..

tbh i would rather play vs. med+ than search my skill and play vs. two guys at my skill and one cheater...

oh god :/
ive played atleast 8 cheaters on tzac the last 2 weeks and i havent even been playing much.
chaplja gona and wont come back.
It's funny tho...
How is it funny?:s
Because he's fucking liar and big part of this small community really trusted him... kinda irony
I don't get the issue here though? smakuu created a new TZAC account after his old one was banned..?

when ET used PB nobody made journals that someone has a new PB guid.. smaku is forced as a player to create a new TZAC account in order to play anywhere, unless he creates a new account on CB or cheats again I don't even get what he's doing wrong. :D
Because he obviously cheats on the other tzac ids :)
you didn't write anything in the journal that he's actually cheating ¬_¬
I think u've reached a superretard level.
Let him be new ET superstar please.

pointless journal
that's pointless, we know that the guy is cheating and he created a new account so wat. It's chap's fault? lol
found few relations at his tzac accounts, he is not smart after all
Make your own anticheat for et or simply stop whining about tzac. it's still better than no PB wars. get used to people bypassing or making new accounts, it happens, just simply leave or ref kick them and play on another server or play a new game until cheater is gone. I also fail to see how this is journal worthy, random polak busted and made new account. like that never happened before.
Why is it better? It seems nobody cares about it, so how or why is it better?

Ye kick them, let them ddos server cause kiddies got no hobbies than destroying fun of other peeps.

new games = no cheaters? and why change game? why we got an antiCHEATtool?

ur comment is full with bullshit in my opinion.

and yes idc about my ultra engrish skillz...
And whining about it all will solve everything, your opinion is just as filled with bullshit. chap never asked for your trust, maybe when he said he would make the idea of 2e for tzac, but you are using his software for free, and it does catch cheaters. maybe not the cheaters you want it to catch, but it does the job. look at the cheater list and count how many it caught, and then compare that to Punkbuster bans that have been out since 2004 when SLAC/tzac has been out for a shorter time.

You can always choose to stop using tzac, if you think its shit or useless, buy your own server and have it non tzac protected and see how many wars you'll get. So unless you have a better idea or a better anticheat or something you can create better than chap. just shut the fuck up. no one cares about your trust issues with tzac.
i cant find any infos he will be unvisible...

wow tzac catch cheaters and then? they make new accounts or using the 1000 other multi accounts. thats the point where tzac is lacking.. cause whats the reason to ban anyone then,w hen they can comeback after 2 mins?
And what is non PB doing? nothing, what did PunkBuster do? nothing, your points don't make sense at all, once again you can always make a anticheat that stops multi accounts. because there will always be flaws in anticheats but I guess there will always be whine as well.

I can tell you one thing tzac did that PB couldn't, catch pale's undetected PB hack, and wasn't forcing us to spam pb_sleep every time we get a lag spike, Tell me why pale has stopped making cheats for ET? it's not a coincidence when crossfire announced his busts he stopped making adawolfa cheats. people also got ripped off hard when he tried to make a undetected slac cheat which still got busted, something punkbuster could never do
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