Back from teh club!1112

just came back from teh club, i actualy met with rNz (Arnar) told him to dance with some girlys and he actually Pulled the 1st girl he saw then sent me a msg on phone soz for beyin a fag broseph portey nextime Lolz! HAHA

anyways u knew u girls missed this kinds of journals ofc. since im drunk as fuck i wud like to share some awsome music aswell !!! best song EVAH if u dont like it fuck off! and yeh d0nt c0rr if my beying retarded i will allways be 20 in my <3 hf lads

image: 521270_10151386269260983_452785325_n girl i get every other weekend lolz xD
bcak form teh culb it is
true!! i forgot to mention i didnt get the everyotherweekend girly tonight xD I SUCK ! fuckin shitty teletubbieretardnessgirlyz :D anyyyyyyyyways listen to the awsome Blackmill song and make love to music mate!

+i think Arnar will regret it tomorow the first choice wasnt that good ROFL xD
chill music mate :)

but ey what up with the guy rNz he let you down for some chick? cmon man what is this...bros before hoes, i thought it would be common just dont give up a brother at a party for some ugly skank
haha i didnt care we both wanted to pull, i just wasnt up for any skank @ teh clubz , but he was down for the lulz :DDDD haha it was just awesome to meet him tonight ;) though wud have prefered to meet a new girl i could get jiggy with on weekends :D
rNz got the right idea. get them horrible skanky slags fucked XDDD gg
LOL i think im possible never ever drinking again xDDDD
made out with the only girl I wanted to on Friday

feels fucking good for the ego
so sAs1 is not the only ladies man from iceland.
she looked a lot better last night I swear
Come play FSX man!
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