ETTV for Lazy Bums

Sup guys,

Since I'm very lazy, and don't want to copy+paste IP's around and start ET myself everytime, I made this little tool.
It reads the LIVE feed from GTV and lets you automagicly connect to LIVE ETTV matches. Also has a viewer count per server and updates with secondary servers if first one is full! If popular and people want it too I'll think about uploading the app...

image: 2ptcgms
Nice, sadly this comes when ET is dead, would have been awesome a few years back.

Great job, tho!
Very nice =] maybe if you share the source we can put it on gtv? :)
I can share but if you could share an API(if you have one) I could make it alot faster/more reliable. Right now it's just requesting and filtering the HTML page of GTV.
I can make you an api :) how about that ;)?
YCN`Marcus or Msh100 @
:D nice work, but, how can u be too lazy to copy paste an ip :D
I need one hand to fap, this is all mouse!
with virus/trojan icluded?
I can give you a unique download link! Just for you! :P
ye well would be cool :D
nice work, can I get the source code? :D
add the match the server plays also
You mean the name of the server or? Because it says what match *team A | team B*
oh no I meant the teams play on the server, but I just realised it actually says :D h3h3

nice job
can you make it so that it shows the full team name instead of the tags?
Got some help from msh100 and working on a new version, might include that. Updated info coming whenever I think it's okay ;) most likely will have this in the new one
you sir, are awesome
goed gedaan hoor!
give the fucking source ffs :D
well done!
wow nice one dude!!
Nice work dude!
clap clap clap
looks great ! nice work ;)
It would be cool if you think of a new interface.

Remove that giant watch. Instead of grey, use pink :)

When you click on a match, you should be able to see more infos like the map, the players, scores, ping ... then put a green 'Watch" thing to connect :D
Why didn't anyone come up with this 5 years ago? If you could read who was playing it would be even better.
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