Nbs public X 2

Dear crossfire,

I know a lot of you here hate 24/7 Delivery/Supply , but we tried for more then a month to give you a campaign server even after a poll here on crossfire we saw 75% wanted a campaign server! Still nobody plays on it!
So we copied NBS Public #1 IP: !

image: 13W8aeI

A 2nd Nbs public started On IP: !
When Public 1 is full it will also automatically redirect to Public 2!

image: WaEnvw

I'm also giving out to some ppl the private pw, maybe even some refs! contact me

image: 410-364

Nice servers keep it up xarqi!
isnt it possible to redirect people to the new server if nbs #1 is full?
QuoteA 2nd Nbs public started On IP: !

Quote When Public 1 is full it will also automatically redirect to Public 2!

it does;)
oh my bad, didn't see that part d:
imo that redirect shit is not good, if somebody wants to play on nbs1 and spdeli only he shouldnt have to recnnect evertytime to see its full :(
i remember playing on a server where you connect and:

"Server is full! do you want to go to our 2nd server?"

-> No.

"Server is full" awaiting gamestate etcetc or whatever
will check how that works
since he cannot into fixing cl_download exploit i doubt he will do it
who wut? as far as i know all exploits are fixed
The problem isn't that people don't want to play, the problem is that there are no admins playing on the server keeping it alive and therefore attracting players. Now every time you were redirect to the other server it was empty and when you want to pub you don't want to wait for 30 minutes in warmup for enough players.

Just because you're eating off the success of NBS and Woo doesn't mean that just putting a server online is going to get you another full server. You need to put some effort in it too.

e: update the server with the latest global6v6 config too, plz
eating off the success of NBS and Woo" lol:)
global6v6 ? server is not running with that config at all
since woo dropped the full nbs project(website etc,) there are no "admins" to play on it
and the last 6 months of NBS when it was on YCN were payed by me since woo didn't care anymore paying it
Don't care that you gave the config a different name and modified some settings for public use, there still are a lots of settings in there that are outdated and have been modified in official matches since.

I am aware of that you were paying for the server, however, you are not handling the set up of nbs#2 very well nor are you actively seeking for admins to play on it and instead blame woo for dropping nbs and not having admins to play on a server he didn't even create in the first place.

P.S. Rather than just defending yourself with some comment, take some action too and get that server active.
QuoteI'm also giving out to some ppl the private pw, maybe even some refs! contact me
Yeah post that on crossfire, clever move man. Now go to a jaymod server and pick up some really passionate guys, that will actually work.
oh dude,i got sea of time to go on a jaymod server ! work a bit on CF SITE, or no wait that esport site you been progging for years or was it a gamesponsor site or a freegamehosting site , i'm lost soz!
You shouldn't really judge stuff you know nothing about, not really a clever thing to do usually. But hey, its the internet.

e: if you do not have the time for that why are you even trying to host these servers and not let some other guy do it instead. You got more than enough guys who like licking for admin rights.
how about you fix those crossfire glitches. starting with the bugged ammount of comments and implanting the ability to search for users.

oke thank you good day
Not getting paid for this and I really need food to survive. So no not at this time, maybe when I finished project which shall not be named.
That isn't the reason why BIO died. You obviously have no clue how public servers are filled or how they stay filled.
Yeah probably has nothing to do with activity and new blood wanting to explore etpro.
how are they? :d
Bio was kept alive by people like me who played daily on the server for hours. if you check the player-list activity of 2 years ago, you'll see around 10 stable players who played there daily, filling the needed spots to keep the player flow going.

Of course having Kevlar on the server from time to time to make sure the map rotation was good and kicking cheaters was a plus, but in the end the server would still be a success as long he kept the map cycle going.

All you need to keep a server alive is to have at least 6 stable players cycling every part of the day.
who were those on bio?

daily I only remember seeing you/beggin/csibe/capri. and any idea why all of those players seemingly stopped around the same time? :P
You should invert the IP's:
put small stopwatch rotation on server 1, like sd-gr-adler-deli. No radar missile etc since they kill activity (even tho radar is still the best map in ET)

put delivery/sd 24/7 on server 2

Most ppl wont be bothered looking for the NBS server 2 ip and keep on playing on the first one -> active sw/campaign server
Biggest nerds will look for NBS server 2 -> active too !
Wow, you're still alive?! :O)
Sometimes, sadly :(
Why don't you use a domain,or even NoIP instead of posting new ip every now and then?
This also !
give me the ref plz :D
nice because 24/7 supply being sk like yesterday 3 vs 6 is not really funny
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