Cooking with Thomm

OK folks, today we are about to meet a legend. If you are a veggie or something, better stop reading now and go do some hippie-stuff.

Meet, the MUMMY'S HAND!

image: 9wthscEh

Minced meat, pork/beef 400gr, 2,5€
1 onion 0,15€
1 Spice-mix-bag, the hottest you can get, 1,3€
Few eggs, 0,2€
Bacon, few packs should be enough, 3€
Potatoes, 1€
Spices, what you like, 0,2€

Cost total ~8€
Time spend from start to omnom, ~1,25h

image: jNOjrt4h

Nothing special there. No need to cook them "fully", so they won't get totally smashed in the end.

image: NI0qAivh

I thought this would have been an annoying part, it wasn't. Just put them somewhat like that. Remember the paper under them!

image: zskFDD9h

Just make sure they are mixed, no problems there.

image: cTuXm9Nh

image: 45FYITZh

Spread the meat-mix to the bed, as even as possible.

image: ucI3vCzh

Then roll it, use the paper to guide it, will be hard otherwise.

image: i6rH0imh

image: FFEEI8eh

Put it to the oven-thingie, spread potatoes which you have sliced, around it. Add some spices and seasoning, what ever you want. Oven should be around 200C, let it be there for around hmm, 45min maybe.

Will post pic when it is done, meanwhile you can listen to this song!

Don't forget to have a beer, you glorious bastard!
wont those potatoes be hard as fuck
No, they are not un-cooked, just not "fully". They will boil more in the grease and soften up. If you cook them fully, they will be just smash in the end.
oh i completely missed the "boil potatoes" step :D my bad
Why did you put potatos to cook anyway? U could just peel and wash them and put afterwards in the oven together with meat, 45 min is more than enough to get a nice crispy potatoes out.
That's the way I like it, don't want to risk them being rare in any way.
They wouldn't be, just dont cut them on too big pieces and they should be baked enough by the time meat is done, try it once.
Now thats very manly food!

You should get the Epic Meal Time guys to make an episode with you!
Cooking with nuggan!

image: f0oP1Xx
Those are for hangover-days :)
dafuq, with french fries o_O
It's the most popular one in Sweden I would say <3
image: H_Alanya_111207
Looks good
don't have an oven :/ FML
then how do you always get so baked? :S
Looks pretty fucking great.
What ironic said !
O. M. G.
looks quite good
wow nice but how many kal? its like 10 BICMac
2 calories. I counted them myself.
Taas sika-nautaa, 1/5

Biisille 5/5
it's not bacon bed. BACON WEAVE ! but looks good :)

and put some cheese on it at the end !
better be a veggie than eat that :)
veggie? what u a faggot? fuqing gingor
using cheats? what u a complete retard? fuqing asshole
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD mad coz weak nerd
yea yea yea yea yea yea yea
Were u getting frustrated or just running out of interest when making the bacon weave? Going from good to sloppy :D
Ran out of bacon to finish it properly. Doesnt really matter, since I started rolling from the unfinished end.
seem pretty tasty, but it look like there is too much bakon
"too much" and "bacon" doesn't belong together !
this looks awesome!
going to show it to my vegan housemates xD
Made this using your instructions, on my way to the hospital for food poisoning...
Can't edit for some reason, result here

image: 8SbavTgh

Was so good <3
Looks like a ton of fat, but delicious :D
dont you get like a heart attack after eating that :O?
I don't eat it at once. And I shared some of it too.
my stomach is hurting :°D
you finnish ppl . really know what a man's meal should look like

balkan style food. fuck yeah! looks delicious
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