How was your day?

Some of you might still be working, others might still be at school.

The weather was nice today, it was about 15C here in the Netherlands. So I cycled to school, this was my view:
image: 1g11n6

Atm im summarizing books from the Dutch Law, I have exams coming up in 4 weeks, so better study hard.

What are you up to today? Enjoying the nice weather? Grabbing a cold beer?
Started nice, then awful, now just waiting for CL to happen.
10C at my place tho, but finally there's sunshine in the morning! (waking up at 7.00 for trip to school..)

Otherwise it's boring, everything :<
Sunny afternoon spent in a library studying hard, could've been better :p
more dr.phill journals
been trolling all day
Blizzard here, have to steal companys car, cba to cycle there today. Boss was here, threatened to fire me if I continued our conversation about hockey (his team is sucking worse than ever this year). Laughed so hard :)


Where is the CL-thingie from today? I need to debate about which team I want to lose more.
15C.. maybe in 2 months

atm snowing here and -5
-1ºc atm. Woke up 6.15, cleaned my garage and had some fun.
changed wv to omega :C
Omega is my winter ride. Limited slip diffrential, rear wheel drive and long wheelbase makes me drive sideways
your car is as bad as your ET skill looooooooooooool xDDDDDD
I'd crab a hot bong if I would live there
woke up at 6cet and went for the 2nd time to my new job in the hospital in laboratory and worked till 12:30cet then they said I shall go home and enjoy the weather ;P and now its raining :/
so at all it was a great day worked only 4,5hours
that pic looks like every dutch road ever
Did the same, biking to work and the idea of a cold beer sounds quite ok right now :D
It's freezing here at the moment, 15ºc.
Cold beer? Better drink warm chocomilk to withstand that temperature.

Didn't do much today, I hoped to start working on thesis, tried to fish ideas off student buddies, gave up after 10 minutes, decided that I don't need to graduate asap, concluded that I had better spend my time fapping or gaming. Gonna watch some football, rooting for the opposing team of whoever I'm gonna go watch it with. Average student life overall.
haha, in Romania we couldn't be happier about having 15 degrees today :D
lovely weather to have a walk
-8°c here in iceland, im doing some accident prevention school for sailors and today was smoke diving and that was freaking awesome, tomorrow im jumping out of a helicopter into the freezing sea so it should be quite entertaining aswell.
but now im off to the gym and then watching utd get smashed by madrid tonight.
woke up, went to the unemployment office, signed some shit, went home, played 1 ranked on lol, decided its best if i just go to bed!
Crap day, the girl I had a date with in the afternoon cancelled.
5 hours of Java programming class, 15 degrees and sunny outside (didn't enjoy it much).
how many breaks do you get inbetween?
4 times 10 minutes
i think you get really bored sometimes ... i mean , first 2,maybe3 hours might go nice and you wont see how the time flies by... but , you must be devastated at the end :D
indeed it does, i know the feeling :D
woke up at 5 CET, morning practice 6.45-8.20, school from 8.50-13.30, home at 14.30, another practice at 16.00, back at home at 18.00, going to sauna now, then going to do some homework and finally watch ManU vs RM
Tomorrow the same schedule, no pain no gain.
Man U vs RM playing twice on two days

grazy soccer teams
Almost laughed, bad joke. Nice try though : )
these pro athlete guys, hard to get them to laugh :c
i'll just leave this here; day went fine :D

Atm +1
2 Nights ago -20
Prediction for Tomorrow Night -15
Did u take this picture to put it on CF ? In that case, "selfkill"
No, i didnt toke a picture to put it on cf
Engels is een ramp vriend..
dan keur ik het goed
-15 this morning, -8 when i got home. Good day so far, played some HoN
Woke up 06.30, took the train to school, came home 20mins ago, hard working man :P
+5 or something here
mooie foto neef
beautiful day here in ny :D, its sunny, hope it doesnt get too cold at night cuz im working
have to run all around campus delivering projectors and shit
Bedankt voor dit ontzettend boeide interessante nieuws stukje.
~10-12 degree or something here today, nice weather for chilling :)))Just been reading a book today. Tomorrow supposed to be hotter though.

Here's a picture of my super dog sunbathing
image: 8531607637_d96238e1d5_c

Your pic reminds me of our trip to NL in summer, typically flat and boring full of weird cyclists!
Nice dog :)
is dat tussen nijmegen en oosterhout op die foto?
Ate ate ate. And now i'm going to sleep with my belly.
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