lmao these kids on LoL

I have no idea how we lost or y these people on league talk shit to me call me bad when the stats LMAO

image: wtfjpeg_zps7c93b645
learn to position yourself

random LoL whine is not that journalworthy

also 88 wins, 100 loses(in normals). who are u to blame others?
pentagolf has spoken!
hard to position your self when ur team just breaks up and doesn't even attempt to protect u
and my girl plays this account 2 seeing how i played 10 games today and won 9 hmm im just saying these kids call me bad and i don't understand y when im carrying every game i play
Quotelmao these kids on LoL

Welcome to online gaming.

Quoteand my girl plays this account 2

Sorry, but had to LOL.
kog.. vs... a team... that.. doesnt have a single gap closer or poke anywhere near to your range, you're shit.
all u had to do is:
1. dont get caught by thresh / ashe arrow / brand stun
2. stay out of range of shivs ult / ashe autoattack range (stay at maxrange of ur W)
3. adc only attack nearest target (just go for the carries if they r on the same height as the tanks)
4. when shiv and garen go for you - just e them, BotRK Garen and kite them hard with a + leftclick
shoulda helped team instead of farming
I know that feel bro.
>still using AVG
l2p noob
Dat Mejais.
Omg roflmao these noobs cant carry dunno how to win at this game gg *sadface* *rageface* *facebookupdate* *journalfaceggmao*

image: loltwitch
No wonder u lost when u had 0 lifesteal or armor pen.
but...but...dem dmg&crit chance omg op...noob team reborted
First of all, LoL is shit BULLshit
Why did you even make this journal? To prove that you are good?

image: Wat_face
you deleted porn folders before taking screenshot?
that's how he wrote it at first, edit power
Learn to play some good LoL !

bronze 4 op
I dont play much solo q - Mostly play ranked where we beat players that is in Gold 3 or higher :) So yeah whatever u say dude.
u dont get matched with gold3 elo guys unless u got someone in the team thats gold elo too..
Depends on what division you're playing. We had one guy in silver, but one of the teams we met they had like a Gold III and Gold I player so. Can't count on that tbh.
Wasn´t meant as an insult man, no worries. It´s just that people, like myself, enjoy watching streamers that are at least platinum/diamond a lot more than watching someone who is bronze 4. So if u want viewers and you want them to really enjoy watching you, focus more on the yoloque. If you are decent enough, which you probably are, you'll find it easy enough to get at least to a higher gold division and make that step towards platinum in good time.
-Lose normal game on north american server
-Get flamed because he didnt carry that much after 54min as an adc
-Makes a journal to complain

Sad life.
needs more syndra
thats what happens when you dumb dota down so much and market it to every kiddy with a lack of money or decent hardware.
dota rule #1: k/d doesnt count for shit if you cant win.
i can see how thats a bit hard for casuals to grasp.
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