ET - what now ?

I am curious what will happen with et and community after NC ?

Is CB going to host next OC/EC season ? Is it worthy to host another ? Last EC = 3 teams dropped out cause of inactivity in groupstage/brackets .. ~6 matches weren't played at all .. One side game in the final it means low level of "the highest and most important" tournament. Last OC 6v6 = half of the signed teams dropped in groupstage ( ) same for OC 3v3.

What about ESL ? ESL storm was quite good tournament (except delays ofc) but then Winter season was completely fail ... I think admins went inactive also because they didn't want to waste their time.

Any LANs ? CGS Winter in Poland failed, sebi went with suggestion to host one in HUN, what about NL Lan ? Did Clown find Saenza (?) and his money ?

Have a nice day .. looking forward for ur answers because you, players of enemi tritri, still make this game alive !
Did Clown find Saenza (?) and his money ? - who gives a crap lol
well i dont care about it at all just funny situation, wanted to emphasize this part of lans organisation in nl.
ourschool smth like that(admin of cb) told me that hes about to announce new OC/EC season
EC is rather pointless .. OC with 2 divs enough for me

isn't his nick "oh you are cool" ?
Israeljew not giving crap about money? that's a new one :D
CGS Summer still gonna happen (most likely), not sure if ET gonna be there though.

I think EC should be dropped and just keep OC prem super good, some Queens mix will win it anyway.
EC/OC gonna happend, but I guess fall cup at the end of year will be last EC hosted on CB, dunno about OC
whats the point of creating EC for 16 ( I suppose ) when the last from all 16 teams participated in EC I can count 6 deserved the spot there : kings, tmoe pl lan winners gaming team (huehue), tag, decerto? IYA? bsturz? ( no offence to the rest ). I dont remember how many teams signed up but smth like 100, isnt it better to create 2 divisions: 8 groups of 6 ( or less depends how many teams will sign up this season) and then brackets ? more matches, more fun
I reckon we will continue to host ECs for ET for quite a while longer, considering that we still do it for QL which is by far less a less active game on CB
and e.g as I see on cb UT is much bigger and they dont have .
no, CoD2 and ET are the two most popular games on CB
ET popularity mostly because of 3v3 games between 30-40 teams counting players who are in more than 1,2 teams.
if you say so :P
isnt that true ?
somewhat true, but still:

Enemy Territory – 176
Call of Duty 2 – 156
Urban Terror – 144

these are the total number of signups from EC/OC Fall 2012

UT wasn't even in the top 3
and how many drop outs in ET (bot ec and oc, im mentioning teams which signed up and didnt play any single game or after one game didnt want to continue because of some issues like lu or lack of motivation ?) comparing to UT ?
a few :) but let's focus on the positive things and the ways that we can help move things forward instead!
well i would love to but we cant forget about it .. year by year the same situation comes
Ladder back to active, some continuos prize maybe? Top clan gets 1€ for every victory they get, at least something to spike the interest.

This would solve the drop-out problem, teams would play when they wanted instead of a tight matchweek-schedule.

Maybe monthly top5 tournament, with additional casting and extra-attention. Damn, my ideas are awesome today, I think I shall reward myself with a beer or 15!
I think you will be the volunteer and pay teams for their wins !

Welcome to the #et irc channel crew .. hope u will get opped ther for such an intention :DDD
Why not, I have payed for cups earlier, don't care for few euro. CBA to sit at #ET, got too many channels already.
why don't you come with intention like SPU did to support et team !?
Not following you now.
Parent (news coming here soon)

a new competition will also be announced in the near future

we can't control teams dropping out of our cups, but your sentence concerning last season's 3on3 & 6on6 OC is wrong - just because the team is strikethrough'd doesn't mean they dropped out :) just made it a bit easier to create the Playoff trees if we "removed" the teams that weren't advancing to the Playoffs
It's 2013 ET is dead.
you must feel pretty stupid then, getting busted for cheating in a "dead" game
ma nigga :D
Or just not its dead who cares haha :)
clearly you care a bit if you're constantly making these kinds of comments
I dont ;)
CB admins to run that NC losers cup p:
ofc no money will be paid from that fat shit, he spent it all on burgers already
Dirty Bomb
in QL every sunday there is a one day cup with small prize money well 100$ for the winner . I guess it could be nice to make a well organized ( #ET?, #crossfire?) ETcup every sunday (3v3 or 6v6) and maybe with some prizes money and OFC a shoutcaster.
money donation from community could be a nice thing too , im quite sure some ppl dont mind giving 10/20e wich could be used as prize money or upgrading stream ( like warwitch does)
but ye I'm currently waiting for EC/OC to get active and play in a team
saenza's bank account is the perfect place to keep money safe don't you think ?
im quite sure artstar or merl would be trustable to do this :)
artstar best

hes gonna use it on chinese pizza
what people fail to comprehend is the fact that an ET team sports 6 players each, that being 18 people total eligible for prize rewards (1st, 2nd and 3rd place), all the while having absolutely no greater organisations or companies supporting the game. Are you willing to front ~1000$ on a weekly basis to host these cups?
ye i get ur point , if we do this it has to be winner takes it all , no prizes for 2nd/ 3rd wich could motivate teams to play for win. I guess even 30€ ( 10€/guy if 3v3 or 5€/guy if 6v6 should be ok). didnt talk about sponsors coz i know its impossible to get sponsors for that game so if ppl want to play for money only way is donation.

e: we still lack a good and motivated shoutcaster like warwitch is ( dts and voice are great but dunno if they are interested in weekly ET coverage)
Right, and who exactly would be the people that are willing to invest money, every week, only to see it go to the same team and same six players, every. single. time. It's not like we've all seen this happen before on multiple occasions already. A cup like this might work once or twice but people will soon come to the realization that ET is a dead game with no real competition.
community , im quite sure some guys are willing to invest 10/20 to keep that game alive. disagree with the same team winning , i mean its a game everything is possible , im quite sure some guys got enough time to pracc for this and play2win even in a deadgame (eventho ET never had that "profesional or winning spirit" like QL duelers have and thats the main reason i switched to QL :)
prize only for winner so ppl max 50 $ per players so 300 for winning team not bad .. all irc idlers of #et 250-300 per day should donate 1 $
There is a new deadly team forming...

and Im in it.

Combined powers of third world countries, .. . .. and xAe.
i wud totaly put some cash like 10-20 euros to keep this game alive. Then i wud prac hard go pro and win the monney back :D
Praccing hard on pub won't get you further than me :((
i still got my Icelandic mates to play with Panda ;)
time to move on
leh leh leh i steal your car
et will never die mate
Still waiting on ETLive to save us..
just let it go
plz host a ET/RTCW LAN in NL, I WILL BE THERE!!
Or a new Cmaxx in germany
both et & rtcw lan could be really cool imo :)
of course! lets start this! = The Ultimate Wolfenstein Lan =
NL got some players, Germany got them, belgium does too. franche - they are welcome to... ;)
Make comecial in RTCW and ET scene and let the party start!
Perfect location: Eindhoven. ;)
could be cool mate, but i guess enschede would be the place as last et lans have been hosted there. Erm and i won't make the lan cause i don't have time to organise shit as i'm a student :p but i would help spreading the message once it's announced! imagine having warwitch taking a plane to nl to shoutcast the event :D!
jeah, would be nice. I´m a student as well....
3v3 ec 2014
Attends encore une dizaine d'année et tu seras 1v1 team fra
pour ça faut déjà être dans la team fra!
future of ET? 20 years later i'll be the only one who keeps playing ET, so im gonna be the number 1 player! ;D
If people spent as much time playing ET as they do discussing whether ET is dead or not, we wouldn't even be having this discussion to begin with!

TL;DR Version: Play the game & STFU.
come play QL. its getting awesome thanks to faceit, and russian sponsors.

And afaik TDM scene needs some randomes to make the scene more alive
yes, QL is cool!
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