What the hell happen to tzac??

anyone knows what happened to tzac?? the website isnt there either O_o
something similar happened summer last year, hope it'll be fixed.
It's not the same thing. I want to make that clear
I'm so hoping someone decides to buy the domain now. Would make for good laughs.
tz-ac.com is already registered, but these options are available....
emergency beer money
i hope it's down for goed so i can open et through old viable cracked sbot.
i asked cuz of cod xD
wow that sucks :S
Dam,so now is the Croatian tax administration trying to kill ET? I can't take it anymore.
Hopefully it will get solved somehow soon,wish I could help anyway tho.

He said he don't want TZAC around him anytime soon as long the inspection goes on,so why did he modified the DNS? that's kind of a evidence tampering isnt it?
There's no chance in hell tz-ac earns enough for it to a legal issue with tax
I don't know how much tzac actually makes,I always believed it's not much as if he begged for money. Always thought Tomislav to be doing this for money ( tzac ) , and no one can blame him for it,time costs money,but I always been expecting him to just fucking say it, but yet he kept it cool, fuck money and fame,then he grabbed us by the balls,peaches came and been epic for paying for it.
Yet,always saw him as nothing more than a selfish and greedy dude, even tho years back I knew him as a nice guy tho, but always been a prick
From what I heard,and read on YCN's position,hes been offline and not contactable for a long time,this is where it get suspicious,hopes hes not fucking with us over again.
I might be wrong,and this guy might be really in some troubles,but as far from what I learned about him,dude got paid and game over for him.
Does someone holds the source code?
Not as far as I'm aware
Well,so a temporary solution like an edit in the hosts file should be used to reduce the panic meanwhile at least till any better idea will come,but as I see,you guys ( YCN ) don't really wanna use it as a solution,even as temporary? why is that?
There is NC running now,O.C just announced,keeping it down is not quite a good idea tho.
Because it involves all users altering a system file, I would never recommend that
You will never recommend that? you dont have too,it on users own risk,and its just the hosts file a simple line to be added,that's all about that,else Im wrong..
I am not stopping anyone, and pointed out that was possible
This ET community you are talking about,nothing can be done here without an guide.
Anyway,that's up to you guys,all I got left is wishing you the best solving it,Im on my way blocking tz-ac.com on the hosts file as you recommend..nah,just kidding,but still gonna block it.
Best wishes.
open C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/
Open "hosts" with notepad
Enter a line to the bottom of the file.

Thats all
Could be a few mistakes as im posting from my phone
What is the ip for the tzac service?
Wat lees ik hier allemaal? Ik snap er geen reet van Koen, leg het eens in normaal Brabants uit voor me. Okethanksbbkisses
Je moet in je hostsfile een regel toevoegen nondeju jongen.
Daarin bepaal je wat de naam van een ip wordt nondeju jongen.
Dan zorg je ervoor dat tz-ac.com naar een ip wijst dat jij wil nondeju jongen.
In dit geval wordt dat tz-ac.om
nondeju jongen.
So write down the info on the link you provided for us, just write a small disclaimer saying you hold no responsibility blah blah. At least it's a temp solution until things are resolved, especially given NC running atm and others wanting to use it this way :))
honestly, this is why I always found it rather shady and unreasonable. You as "partner" or "host" in this case, much alike speedlink was, should have made him sign a contract as independent contractor, to at the very least have access to the source, if things go wrong or he decides to royally fuck you over. I mean seriously, how paranoid is he? He even goes as far as encrypting tzac's config file, which I'd assume holds nothing but game path and auth server.
Since you've got better understanding in English you might want to check out if he's telling the truth or not.
Croatian TAX administration

He could, of course, put the registry on someones else name to avoid the tax shit.
according to those sites
his story makes some sense

however, only 1 person to be responsible and take care of ~55000 accounts(ET+COD4) is not acceptable
I honestly think you guys got royally fucked over by him. He's bullshitting you, just look at Oxys or Edgars comment. He always was a shady personality and changed his mind about things too often. The majority of ET players just supported him because he was the only one that could provide some kind of cheat protection, working or not it at least kept the paranoia away most of the time, and I feel like he abused that.

u got fooled m8
Jesus what the actual heck?

But nice story, i'll give it 4,5/10
I was aiming for at least a 7/10 :(
Phoned croation tax office up, he has been arrested for money laundering
now we need suport from esl wire anticheat 4 oc/nc cup that will be good idea i thing
wat, esl providing shizzle for the CB? what did you smoke dude
So gib mir noch Anticheat, die wirksam werden .. denn soweit TZ-AC konnte nur Geld sammeln ... und sagen, dass alles, was erkennen .... Diese Antwort, warum sind meine persönlichen Projekt wurde nicht erkannt?
Warum Coders als M0wl auch. Deadcode? was zum Teufel ist das? Eine kleine Schachfigur im Spiel ... also besser, als sie sind .. so haben Sie mehr Leute als nur ein ...
Wenn Tomislav Zubić war Feir würde nicht ein zweites Mal passiert ist, wie es jetzt ist

For English Retards

So give me another Anticheat, which will be effective .. because as far TZ-AC was able to collect only money ... and say that detect everything .... This answer me why are my personal project has not been detected?
Why Coders as M0wl too. Deadcode? what the fuck is that? A small pawn in the game ... so better than they are .. so you have more people than just one ...
If Tomislav Zubić was feir would not have happened a second time, as it is now

ps love google <3
nice engrish didn't understand what you were trying to say ;/ google translate perhaps?
sorry dude i try to say that we need New anticheat... esl wire support ET but UAC not
Cheeers M8 sry 4 my engrish
Cheeers M8 sry 4 my engrish
Trust me, his German was worse.
ESL Wire is for ESL only, the wouldn't share it among the CB.
This is why YCN did not support ESL wire for the record
Yeh i know, it wouldnt be alternative for using it, if its only meant to be used for ESL games.
Nig du kannst nicht mal vernünftig Deutsch schreiben

loool pathetic gimbus lool i use google translate man
The time for ESL Wire for ET is long gone. Wire had its chance.
im quite sure this might be the official ending of et :p
Don't say that :'(
probably not, mainly because ET already went a "period" without an AC (2009-2010 nopb). people are just gonna have to pick opponents wisely in future.
quite sure
might be

sounds a bit off to me
time for etlive!
I'm pretty sure i played against so many cheaters in the last month... also this guy got payed, promised a lot of stuff then disappear for months... enough proof he doesnt give a fuck about us. Also wouldnt be surprised if he actually code cheats and sell, then ask money for tzac again.
make no difference at all. So call the Cheater and ET is alive...
ok guys can somebody tell me if that chaplja is a faggot or not im here only to flame, thx in advance
ET dead? cant be true

massive faggotry expected from 3rd world country nerd!!!
sleep well ET
ahahahahah :DDDD
Massive comebacks incoming? :d
Mine as the first one :D
nice selfbust xdxxdxdxd
Massive new EC skilled players incoming more like it
I'd say that our community is full of retards who decided to end punkbuster support and replace the stable anti cheat by tzac. Yes, i remember the times when punkbuster caused lots of lags but were not they fixable? At least punkbuster is a known anti cheat brand which supports most games but how about tzac? It is ran by a private person who can do anything he wants without taking care of et's anti cheat. As long as et does not get a decent anti cheat and a stable staff we can forget everything.

Do you really guys think that the goverment gives fuck about tzac project? Is not tzac non profitable ' company ' which gets money from google ads? I can't get it how the hell the goverment can be interested in taxing tzaz if there are much bigger criminals and companies that should be controlled instead of this ridiculous antincheat app?

In my view, we just screwed up since we tried to create a perfect anti cheat program. Punkbuster would not have ever stopped supporting et.
Punkbuster DID stop supporting ET, sole reason an alternative was created you nitwit.
lol u failed hard.

pb stopped supporting ET -> then we created tzac
YOU create nothing
we = community whatever lol;)
Yeah, let's not forget that ///PALE had a WH that was undetectable by punkbuster
also why would punkbuster discontinue ET is it was just the competitive scene that stopped using pb whilst most public servers still used it, the main reason was just because ET is a dead game in their eyes.
He once ruined my OC ladder match, now i ruin his life.
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