Resolving TZAC issues
20 Mar 2013, 21:19
For information on how to resolve issues with TZAC, including accessing the website and updating the client, please visit the following page:
You can now access the TZAC website via
You can now access the TZAC website via
ET scene should be safe enough,since no one yet trying to bypass tzac to make a bot to such a dead game,cod scene should be worry about it more then we do.
chaplja is a cock sucker.
Maybe a global tzac bypass is possible,but again,to bypass tzac you need to be skilled enough,no just to train your skills , someone who needs a skill train,wont be able to bypass tzac that easily.
Just for the case,do you even have any idea about coding? and I dont talk about HTML or so 0.0.
PM me your email address and I will check the outbox (try asking politely too).
what happend anyway
something like this -> "C:\Program Files (x86)\TZAC2\TZAC.exe" 0
"Tzac updater has failed getting information about the latest update, but will try to run currently installed client if exists libcur error code 7" I click accept , and another error pops: "TZAC client file is missing, update didnt help, please try again or check the website for more information".
how can i edit hosts file? it says "access denied"
just use
i want to install tzac but cant dl it there obviously
anyone know where i can get it?
one more question: i opened TZAC, it tried to check updates and showed me two messages:
translation: "system can't find specified path"
tried to open as administrator, but doesn't change anything, i have windows 7
reinstall doesn't help
2) Execute command 'sc stop tizeqdrv' (without the ' ' )
3) Execute command 'sc delete tizeqdrv' (without the ' ' )
4) Reboot
"system cannot find path.." u need to point tzac to et.exe, click browse, find game .
wow this is a whole load of bullshit, why did we change to TZAC? Tried everything so far, nothing works :)