1333Mhz FSB Question.


I am about to buy a new motherboard so I was browsing the web. I've got a E6550 CPU @ 1333Mhz, so I need a motherboard with 1333Mhz FSB. I've found one which I like, but in the specification it says:

" 1333(O.C.)/1066/800 MHz FSB "

So I gouess O.C refers to "overclock" , right? What does it mean? I am not really into PC stuff. So I'd be thankful If you could help me.

Thank you in advance.
Waste of money, ditch the CPU and get a Sockel1155 instead, preferably a Z77 board (ranges anywhere from 70-140eur), depending on your budget a G1610 (35eur ivy bridge dual core CPU that'll outperform your current) or one of the i5 series (up to 200eur)

Yes, OC = Overclock. Simply speaking you're increasing the multipliers and voltages your CPU runs with (feeding it more electricity if you will) to achieve greater performance. The same can also be applied to your GPU and RAM.
I am not playing any games at my PC, my old MB just died and wanna buy someting cheap.
My question is why is 1333 marked as OC? Do I have to overclock something on the MB to get that frequency?
Yes, you do. Doesn't matter if you're using it to play or not. Investing money on a motherboard for that old CPU of yours is nothing but a waste. You can spend the same amounts and get a decent board+cpu out of it, which can be upgraded if ever need be, your current board however, if you decided to upgrade, you'd have to yet again replace board + cpu + ram (most likely, I'm guessing you're still sitting on DDR2?)
No. I got 2x2 DDR3 1333mhz
I'd recommend a MSI Z77A G41 + Intel Celeron G1610, totaling roughly 100EUR, and any 1600 DDR3 Ram sticks would do, you can get cheap 8gb sets for 30EUR already. Might be.. 30-40EUR more than you initially wanted to spend, but in the long run, definitely a lot cheaper and a huge performance increase compared to what you have now.
Why not waiting for socket 1150 intel Hasswel ? socket 1155 is already dead. But i agree for not investing in socket 775 anymore :D.
Because it'd be overkill? :P Socket 1155 isn't quite dead just yet, it still has a few more years ahead of it, despite, can you really argue with a 35EUR ivy bridge cpu? I've got it sitting in my HTPC right now, supposed to benchmark it only, but I took quite a liking to it, given that it's a lot more efficient than the E8500 I've had in there before, performance is just about the same I'd say, granted the E8500 would kill it statistically, but everyday use, given its low power consumption and price especially, it's indeed a lovely little cpu.
Yep, socket 1150 will have better power consumption and better iGPU. So, for a HTPC you will be happy to upgrade.
Definitely, to be fair though, I've got a GT620 sitting in there as I don't quite trust the iGPU to take care of my 1080p playback, sure it'd do fine, but I rather not stress it. Plan to eventually stick my 3570k in there, in a year or two, whenever I decide to upgrade my desktop.
what is your job ?
the fun kind
If you only play ET, it is useless to buy a new mobo and proc...
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