Webe (00000188) & Kiwi (00000293) rolled hard in a 2on2 MED+ skilled offi ! :D!

Hey everyone !

I hope you are all going well ! :D! May you all keep up the good mood ! :D!
I just post a journal here to inform you that we rolled some uber-nerds today.

We were searching 2o2 offi med+ when suddenly some nerd pm-ed us to play.

Quote[12:51] <?????> 2on2 normal or offi med+

They were very confident in themselves as they chose to play Adlernest against us.

So we played two-times Adlernest and we rolled them badly 4-0. Kiwi was kinda mad at the end. I was feeling his stress. He was clueless.

At some point, he was so desperate that he tried to run to the transmitter with the objective without even shooting.
It's in such a situation that you tell yourself that yeah, if we beat these nerds, they may commit suicide, do something crazy or anything like that ...

It was terrible. Kiwi also told us at the start of the match that we were crazy to play Adlernest against Webe.

Useless to tell you that we were like : "Muahahah, how low are these guys really ! XDDDD!" and in a very good mood ! :D!

And once again, non-nerds certified rolled the uber-nerds ! :D!


Here come the demos, may you watch it all in a good mood with positive feelings ! :D!


Have a nice weekend and don't be mad ! :D!

e. should stop to play 2o2 :D
good journal. solid
Nice, be all in a great mood ! :D!
Nice! Keep the good mood! :D!
awesome journal man
finally good content
gg Apricot beast
Thank you mate ! :D!
if kiwi would have been palyed with me it would have been so easy against you^^
Nerd please ... :D!
when do we play NC game?
it's tomorrow right? we haven't played anything since last offi and we wanted to prac tomorrow tbh. so maybe monday or tuesday or wednesday? (depending on people's availability, so could confirm it tomorrow in the evening)
well normalyl we have to play it untill tomorrow i guess, but well we gonna see, will ask the boys^^
well I guess that ohurcool don't mind if we play it 1-4 days after the deadline :p also no one has played their 2nd round game yet :p

p.s. you can ask about whether tuesday or wednesday, cuz on these days we should probably be avi (not 100% sure yet!)
Not this shit again plox.

Thanks for voting for Apricot.
Just keep up the good mood ! :D!
this is the standard "style" in ET, gg
i totally agree...
well done:)
gotta love this pudhi
gg keep the good mood
nerds got rolled :DDDDDDDDDD
u got unforgiven as a friend gg ure shit
Dude ... please ... you know well that I am not here to bash anyone. I don't want anyone to commit suicide in here.
There is nowhere to go mad ... :D!

I am always there to help the weakest. :D! May you be in a good mood ! :D!
u bash kiwi u cant be good :<
good moooood!
Yeah, good mood mate ! :D!
Please you're so shit & nerdy apricot faggot
That madness ! :O

Nerd-certified detected ! :D!
Nerd please, really you are a nerd you know. I just let you know that I was very tired in these wars. Me, I have a life unlike you. You may sleep 15 hours a day and train hard every day, but I'm clearly not doing it that way.

Exhaustion had plainly taken over me. But, good mood man ! :D!
well played man!
Thank you mate ! :D! We are all in a good mood ! How cool is that really guys ... :D?
I remember all these faggots being mad at you @ your first journals and now they suck your dick. Keep up the good mood :{D!
The good mood clearly took over their madness ! And it does really feel good ! :D!
i always enjoyed it !
my message wasnt specifically for you bruv
No way! Congratulations!
low+ making low+ journals :)
Indeed, but still we have honor unlike plenty of nerds ! We search med+ skill. :D!
Certified non-nerds!
i can't hear kiwi saying i'm about to play that retard who writes journals every now and then when he rolls someone.
Sup kiwi why so silent bruv?
World wide masses are expecting you to say something plz honour us and say how you got rolled by uncertified nerds

keep the Good Mood uncertified! :)
Indeed, but I still hope that Kiwi is not having a nervous breakdown from this terrible defeat ... :D!
Webe is shit, he stole adler's tacs and thinks he's good :S
Keijo-tactics too strong
You must have a shit life and overcompensating for it for a useless victory in an online game and making such a big deal out of it each and every single time you win. Only making journals for the few wars you win, leaving out all those that are lost, I can see why you keep a good mood indeed.
Don't be sad. All will be fine. Don't be angry ... you have to be positive ! :D!
I'll just take that as that I was right.
what has this site become
thought the same
it is funny how you always follow the same main body text structure :D

all your journals look written the same
Well, I hope you like it ! :D!
all I have left to say is ...

xD gg apricot
Thank you mate ! :D!
stopped reading after:
QuoteWe were searching 2o2 offi med+
according to gtv ur french

so ur not med+ but low+

Aren't you also french ? ...
but im med+
Then your reasoning is fallacious ... it means that you are a nerd face I think ! :D!

But, keep up the good mood ! :D!
mad coz bad

sad story :ss

im med+

ur low+

:D! keep the good mood in the wood
Well, I roll you easily so please ... :D!
nice journal m8
Thank you mate ! :D!
Your turn of phrase is so fucking poetic, man. Damn near brought a tear to my eye.!
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