Dirty Bomb new ET?

Goodmorning CF,

So yesterday Belgiumvyndem told me about Dirty Bomb.
Dity Bomb is still in development and is being developed by Splash Damage.
From what i have seen it is very similar to ET. You can use the classes medic, fop, engi, covie and soldier.
Also the maps are objective minded like ET, you can plant dynamites and stuff.
In my opinion it looks pretty awesome and i'm excited about the release (whenever it may be :D).



So who is up for some Dirty Bomb when it releases? :D

Edit: If you're interested checkout www.evaczone.org for updates and more info!
inb4 ironsights mad
Actually it doesent look like ironsight is really needed there. 90% of the shown footage of the video is without the use of ironsight.
bet theres less spread with ironsight though, so we'll use it all the time to hit more i guess
im playing the alpha and ironsight is not needed at all
So it is actually mostly used only like "fov changer" ?
thats not like fov its a zoom
it's pretty much a game to look forward to! Closed alpha is getting shape and the game is already pretty much awesome!
I share your opinion and i'm actually looking forward to the competitive part of the game. I think the competitive scene could be just as active as the scene of ET once was. Also you don't see these kind of objective minded fps games enough. Though i hope they use the quake3 engine or an engine based on the quake3 engine. That would be really awesome
Unreal Engine.
What's so special about it, that they use it?
No q3 engine means fumble's years of perfecting his strafejumping technique are wasted.
Why not, cant be more worse than Wolfenstein :o)
etqw was greaaaat<3
btw wolfesntein still was kinda fun ! imo !
Yeah, it was fun. But unplayable competition wise :D
Be sure to bookmark www.evaczone.org to get the latest updates! :)
dont like it
This is where I would LOVE to chip in :(
it looks nothing like et

just a mixture of bf3 and brink

shooting gonna be so shit i think :D
i think if they remove the scope then it would be more like et and fun but its like cod, bf3 etc cause you can press mouse2 to aim down the sights then shoot
exactly :P
ironsight is useless same accuracy with and without im playing the alpha its just to attract the nerds from cod

Im not fan of the graphics aswell
You are playing the alpha are you?! :D
where are you on irc wont tell you here im using the account of a friend
People need to quit calling new games "the new ET". The same happened with QW and that game was nowhere near the hype it got beforehand...
They actually do need to quit calling games "the new ET". I mean... ET is fucking awful without etpro :D
every game is aweful without modding D:
Changing a few cvar settings and changing the whole dynamics of the game is completely different.
QuoteChanging a few cvar settings

there is no such mod that has only changed "a few cvars" - etpro is no different than any other competition mod in any game.
I look at csgo or quake live, games that actually made an impact on the esports scene. Cod4 was fine without a promod. Sure it made it better but it wasn't essential for success.
cod4 promod was essential for esports success, not public success for sure.

csgo -> competition mods have been made for cs 1.6 and css so everything that was needed for modding was already made 10 years ago, same goes for QL with Q3. all the work had already been done for them. now, if there had been an ET2, surely it'd automatically be based off the etpro competition mod as it proved close to flawless when it came to gameplay. but no, there was no sequel/prequel to ET (nothing at all comparable to rtcw gameplay) so we can't compare it to CSGO nor QL which were builds on previous games.
Quoteevery game is aweful without modding

Quoteso we can't compare it to CSGO nor QL which were builds on previous games.

You proved my point right there. Also, is League of ledgends modded or not? (No idea as it bores the fuck out of me)
I don't get the point then? CS:GO _used_ the mods from CS:S and CS 1.6 to create a game that requires no promod. so technically CS:GO would've been shit without using the mods from the previous games :P

e: LoL.. fuck knows. that game probably didn't require modding, would be like having mods in age of empires :DD
Take cod4 for instance. You said it NEEDED promod for the esports success. They already had cod2 which was a success yet the game required a promod. I am sure developers take a good look at mods but don't directly take coding from them. There are plrenty of games which don't require mods to be good or successful in esports. I guess that LOL and DOTA2 don't require anything because its just nerdy wizards and shit killing goblins so they would be an exception.

More recent games would include starcraft2 or shootmania. Both of which are going pretty well in esports (one more than the other ofc)
shootmania is dead already tbh. just because some esports teams are keeping their names in there doesn't mean it'll survive longer than the next 6 months. money can't save every game =P
Not saying it won't last but its been attracting big crowds at PAX east and other offline events.
yeah but there've been a lot of these games that try really hard to be "that game".. painkiller is a good old example, money can't buy popularity for most of these. =d
Without a doubt. It just frustrates the hell out of me that grown men decide to play with wizards on the same map over and over. What ever happened to FPS games being big?
meh. WoW was there before LoL, fps games will "survive" like they did when WoW was stealing players left and right, LoL is nothing. people just need to stop looking at ESL and other such leagues that abandoned the games that made them what they are (quake, cs, wolf etc).
The thing that gets me is, today there was a combined 70k player peak on CS, CSS and CSGO COMBINED. Yet 250k on DOTA2. Please tell me what I am missing with these games?
LoL & Dota2 are more casual games to play than any FPS types =P you can play with your feet up on the desk and listening to music on full volume while eating breakfast and watching tv. FPS will require a little more effort and attention, use of both hands _all the time_ blabla etcetc.
cant agree more mate, i just dont get understand how playing some wizard-like type is exciting in any way.
eh. ETMain wasn't too bad.
this game + promod and tweaking/config possibilities just like in et would be really good!
people said this about ETQW, RTCW2, BRINK, BLACKOPS, BLACKOPS2, MW3....... etc

all failed. So yes splash damage is doing this game but I'll believe it when I see it. Competitive FPS is pretty much dead
looks ok, gonna test it when avi
yea ive heard about this game some time ago.one thing that i noticed is that the backpacks are frickin huge and that makes the player models look kinda funny,but i will try the game when it will be released
The biggest problem is that people compare ET with the new games splashdamage do.
But yea, looks like fucking shit sry
you better be sorry
come ts niggah
wouldn't expect too much. i am currently in the alpha and it is by far not as enjoyable as games like et, qw and so on... but yeah it's still an alpha and maybe if they read some of the forum posts or ask people what they can improve it could be a nice game for players who like sw games!
how do all you guys get access to the alpha?
got an invite :)
Quoteand maybe if they read some of the forum posts or ask people what they can improve it could be a nice game for players who like sw games!

isnt that the point that alpha exists? go post your opinion ...
i'm also in alpha and they listen ofc.. dunno your point if your an invited alpha playah help it to get shape and don't say such thing?
Is there any strafe jumping? Do you slow down when jumping or how does it work? The trailers didn't really show me any of this.
no there (sadly!) isn't sth like strafe jumping! i also hope they will implement some great movement! but in the current stage it is mostly running and jumping without getting faster or sth like this.
Thanks for letting me know, well that sucks :l
hmm? never said that they don't listen and they should just continue with their good work but it is by far no perfect game yet and there are also some (in my opinion) rly bad changes after each patch. but yeah i trust them to make a good game.
and if u refer to the "wouldn't expect too much" part, well that was only for some et players cause i know most of them just want et2 and this game won't comply with this dreams ^^. i just think it will be like a much better brink but with a lot of things which could annoy et players.
following the success of brink!
it looks too slow-paced
Looks too much like Brink.
Let's not forget that splashdamage is behind this. Huh
Hopefully someone will make a good promod for it :)
Sorry for bumping this thread but I learn about this game few weeks ago and the only feedback I could read are outdated.
Is there any RTCW/ET players still involved in this alpha who could give some feedback here or privately about the evolution of the game. I mean will it be another QW/Brink fail or is it actually evolving in a good way? Any ET players must understand what I suggest by good way....

Missing ET so much, I am really hoping this won't be trash
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