new map, anyone?

I got some time in my hands and wanted to start a new project. I'm thinking of either a fast paced 3v3, or an open area 6v6 map.
I'm hoping to get as much of "theoratical" stuff from you people (map layout, objectives - anything with imagination lol) and just do the actual mapping myself.

Later if wanted, I'd be happy to mess with more erdenberg as well.

Msg me on IRC, "sani" on #crossfire.

E: Any sketches welcome. Just want to start with something :PP
fast paced map with docrun.. + kinda small/med sized :p
gl with it :)
No truck or tank deliveries please.. Plant / Obj run is good shit.
Too bad retards will still only play Supply all day err day, Erdenberg best map but no one wants to paly :(
agreed about Erdenberg being really underrated
same old faggots with their conservatism will cry when the new map is out
a smiliare map to grush would be awesoem :D
Some docrunmap
make something without a truck/tank :)
An airplane!
nein, vehicles = borefest x(

make something like adler only without the spawnroute (so no times < 3-4min unless a covie or something is used).
As the best truck driver in ET history I am offended
something similar to adlernest would be ideal i guess
Just make it like 3 stages like supply, but then in a more modern setting.

Germans stole docs and put it in a safe inside of a bunker. There is a german outpost infront of the bunker that has a construction thingie that needs to be constructed first before you can lift the gate leading to the bunker. This mechanism can also be destroyed again with a dyna/satchel.

Then you have to blow the bunker gate, make your way to the safe, blow the safedoor, get the docs and run as fucking fast as you can to the german luftballon you're gonna steal.

Bunker has like one more way to get in to but takes a longer route to get to the safe, the luftballon could be outside the gate so blowing that would make it easier to escape with the docs.

(just stealing stuff from some maps I know :d )
Many tried, I wouldn't bother
Let me save you a heck of a lot of time by telling you this will not work. Only newer players will play new maps, the "hard core" has been stuck to classics like Supply and Delivery for years. The chance of you changing this is negligible, as your intentions are the same as countless of other ET mapmakers who have tried the same for years. You probably don't have the slightest idea what it takes to create a fully functional, balanced, eye-pleasing and competitive map. And even if you do manage to string it all together, the chances of it not disappearing in the eternal void of forever lost ET maps are very slim.

If you're really that much into mapping / modeling, I'd advise you to check out Unity3D / UDK / Cryengine, all free modern game engines with enough potential to fulfill your creative aspirations and desires. There are tons of mod- and full game-teams who are more than happy with any helping hand they can get. Check out some game-artist fora, you'll be sure to find plenty of them there.

If you do still stick to your plan, good luck and have fun!
People still play Erdenberg. It hasn't replaced supply but it really wasn't supposed to either. I'm asking for help for a project that I can enjoy, while still pleasing the few that will contribute.

I'm not changing engines because I don't have to. I'm not planning to do this for living.
Not since it has been removed from ladder(s). It is an awesome map, i can't understand admins' decisions..
If you're responsible for erdenberg, be my guest and make more maps because it was really playable and looked a hell lot better than most of the maps being released for ET. It means you have the knowledge and an insight on the work it takes.

Onto your question then: Maybe you can make a huge air map, a bit in the style of Bioshock: Infinite. Lots of vertical gameplay potential, large open areas combined with small claustrophobic hallways, and a fresh graphical style compared to the dozens of WW2city-submarine-greenbrown maps already around.

Make multiple stages, where the allies try to save the floating city from tumbling to the ground by doing one objective per stage. For example:

- In the first stage the allies need to replace a broken airfan, for which they first need to pick up new fan blades which they then need to bring to the airfan, and get it repaired by an engineer.

- The second stage involves the escorting of a minecart full of iron that needs to be brought to the smelter, after which it needs to be escorted to the door leading to stage three.

- The third stage involves the repair of multiple rudders using the iron collected in the previous stage. You can think of a reactor_final approach, where the rudders slowly decay as time progresses.

These are probably really shitty ideas, and I encourage you to not use them but think of your own. You might get some inspiration from it though (if not also fine :P ). Just remember that the graphics and objectives are inferior to the gameplay. It is a teambased FPS after all, so your main worry will be positioning and balance. Everything around that is inferior.
Oh and please don't make horrible bottlenecks like the first stage of Supply, or for that matter also Erdenberg. It's a good map, but the first stage is unplayable and often leads to the entire 20/30 minutes being the same over and over again. It makes for really boring repetitive gameplay.
That won't happen.
I'm thinking of similar to tc_base, where is technically only one stage. And radars replaced with docs, but not like in karsiah. Erdenberg with only 2nd stage, extended, with running objectives?!
jesus no, you basically said that you want to make two absolutely unplayable stages :D

make something like adlernest, indoor without stupid strikes/arties and with docrun + ground for trickjumps and strafing :Das
sani mate is alive!:))))))
make garage for et 3v3, its a really fast paced rtcw map where i played the most exciting 3o3's on :)

example of one of the many fucking close games:

if you want the .map file just ask
if it's not converted, pm :P
pk3 I can take anyways
i didn't convert it, just got the .bsp file i can convert it into .map, but i guess you can also decompile?
yes I can... recreating is more fun
nevermind gief .map, laptop messing with me :(
ggive me a sec, i need to figure out how to decompile again :p

edit: fuck cant find that doc file i saved how to do it again :p

care to explain?
looks good!
library is enough^^
Just dont make it a truck/tank map, docs are the most exciting maps
Just don't make it like delivery... or atleast make it more difficult. Every madkid picks delivery because they can make triple of their hs amount, dg, frags, etc. Then they fail hard on other maps like Goldrush and flame your mother, you and explain why grush (or anything else) is the worst map ever... :(
Mix of adler/ice/frost
Oh this ♥
Personally, when creating maps, i would go for RtCW/Goldrush-style. What I mean with this: Maps where the attackers are able to do the final objective right from the start or able to go everywhere except for last objective (grush/village).
Objectives which need a diffrent class to be completed than the ordinary engineer. Mainly talking about the soldier (and covertop) here. Venice and crevasse had this, the charge of a soldier was needed to fire a big gun.
Just a idea.
I think a new 6v6 map would be great. Something simple like supply, dunno about the details of the map but make it possible for each pc (fps etc) and not 2 complicated... Then people will play this map I guess/hope
got some ideas, discuss this over a cup of coffee !
sulla mitää oo kummiskaa :--d tuun huomen anyway
The best part of mapping is the planning. I don't see why anyone would want to follow someone else's plan when mapping.
a map with corridors, walls, doors, like delivry 2
some OP revive whoring map. Just like GR or b4. A map where rambo medics cant finish the map. Map which requires more than only aim, gieffffffffffff!
if it's going to be a truck delivery, make it some faster this time -.-
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