
is HYPE still a cunt?
is ROSS still fat?
has WAKIZASHI still got a fat forehead?
is SQZZ still bossing this shit?
has SETUP played for a team longer than 2 weeks?
has FUMBLE learnt how to move his mouse?
has HUMMEL managed to write a sentence in understandable english?


unconditional love - mAv
Too cool for online
Wouldn't know
No clue
Haven't heared of him in a while
maV que nerd .
is HYPE still a cunt? nono just misunderstood
is ROSS still fat? he was never fat just fluffy.
has WAKIZASHI still got a fat forehead? yes
is SQZZ still bossing this shit? yes
has SETUP played for a team longer than 2 weeks? doubt it
has FUMBLE learnt how to move his mouse? <fumble> i'm the best etplayer in et
has HUMMEL managed to write a sentence in understandable english? doubt that will happen in our lifetime
Ainda jogas Maverico?
nah, tou a viver sozinho quando arranjar a internet ate dou ai um salto!
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