Memory Question!
26 Mar 2013, 22:27
I would like to buy new ddr3 kits to my motherboard, but on the memory support list there are only few. My question is if I place a memory with higher frequency will the motherboard automaticly relegate to the supported frequency? Or the memory simply won't be recognized by the windows?
Other question? If I place a memory from another brand which is not on the support list what's gonna happen?
I would like to buy new ddr3 kits to my motherboard, but on the memory support list there are only few. My question is if I place a memory with higher frequency will the motherboard automaticly relegate to the supported frequency? Or the memory simply won't be recognized by the windows?
Other question? If I place a memory from another brand which is not on the support list what's gonna happen?
Answer to questions: No, It will but might not work properly, shouldn't matter much it's just the brand aslong as hardware specs are same
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