EC/OC Teams So Far...

image: 17peed

EC/OC Teams so far...

These are the lineups as announced on Crossfire (with a few changes) and may not be 100% accurate!

Recent team changes


Poland fanatic
Poland dialer
Poland wiaderko
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland grzesiek
Poland furman
Poland hassaN

image: 2n6aple
Poland ridji
Poland hunter
Poland Michalek
Poland Aima
Poland Kento
Poland Estaloth
Poland fixxxer
Poland capone

:h ready to hunt for some heads!


Belgium AL1
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Gifted
Belgium crook


United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Estonia Night
United Kingdom koop
Belgium chry
Iceland phyZiC

Team Rockit With A New Enemy Territory Team


Switzerland Aquila
Netherlands MOTiF
Netherlands PHOTO
France sMiRZz
Germany znArk

Effectus is back to activia

image: x4okqr
Finland dTEC7
United Kingdom Element
Netherlands esSe
United Kingdom Nips
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ

Ready to erAse

image: 2v9rrlv
Netherlands hybrAtek
Italy mama
Finland Metsuri
Hungary powi
Hungary sebi (c)
Netherlands Testi

Hungary varadi
Belgium xAe

Unbreakable gaming is ready

image: 2i7utr5
Poland Elviss
Sweden fuchS
Czech Republic milhAus
Slovenia sLyzzz
Germany sPECULA (c)
Belgium xAv

Netherlands Testi
Belgium fostrum

bSTURZ ready to roll?!

image: 10i845j
Netherlands adeto
Belgium Azur
Belgium Buzzer
Belgium eron
Belgium Jere
Netherlands timbolina (c)
Belgium ViKO

Belgium dAv1d
Belgium rznje

gentleMen pressed F3

image: dz742r
Finland crittie
Finland HIRVI
Finland Squall
Finland Stuka
Finland Swanidius (c)
Finland vokki
Finland walle

Finland OldenSan
Finland Spugedius

Team Finl... turbot ready to go

image: 153mafo
Belgium aieuh
France Bowler
France didi
France emorej
France KareN (c)
France mouss

France jau
France yokoo

#LOCA Le changement c'est maintenant !

image: 2rr8l81
Estonia freeze
United Kingdom koop
Germany Oxy
Estonia subbi
Malta toxic
Finland twidi (c)

Estonia mant
Estonia Raul

sick6 ready to go

image: 14v341
France kartez
Germany kiwi (c)
Poland lesti
Poland Lukey
Estonia Sinnu
Finland Statti

Poland upload

aToOn / give us a name

image: 2rdw6iu
Poland Abject
Poland Dolar
Poland miks
Poland olas
Poland voiler (c)
Poland WuT

Devilry is back 2 kill

Season Announcement
Players Searching for a Team
wtf am I doing here...
eh, what's this? t4 ec lineup?

where's decerto with saken, lampje, squid, stownage, kevin, cupra...
effectus? motif, smirzz, vj7o, photo, aquila..

also tmoe, gentlemen and c4l (milk, bull, luna, xperia???)

aaaaaaaand, player, yench, wssquad, xae, zmk made a team afaik.
<Oxy> u were better than dialer

EC here I come
Any info about c4l ? :)
avi for this
Looks cool :) this should be stickied in the forums though
Some lineups have already been changed afaik - Statti replaced stexx (I think), there were rumours about 1st Dream getting chry and koop (replacing karnaj and kresti). Also dialer+wiadro tried to form separate team, but I don't know how far they got (maybe they gave up after chrys departure, dunno)

P.S.: few of those teams I wouldn't label as EC teams but "OK"
they did give up after chry's departure
understandable, having 3 guys is not much to build on when there so many teams already formed.
it was dialer/fragstealer/wiadro/nuggan when chry left, so in fact they could've built from the remainder of Firstdream (krest/karnaj). pretty weird to quit because of losing 1 player D: unless they literally have no e-mates remaining now.
well, it was chry/dialer/frag's/wiadro when chry asked me to play for them (others didn't want that tho), day or 2 after that I saw a journal mentioning chry joining Firstdream. Too bad, seeing they got themselves nuggan I think they would be kinda strong.
About karnaj and kresti - dunno about kresti, but isnt karnaj working on some boat/ship or smth? Not much time for gaming for him
dunno much at all about karnaj, i wouldn't bother playing if i was so busy d;
hahaha where the fuck did you heard that ? :DD
I got some time to play now but I don't have a team :(
Somebody trolled me pretty nicely I guess :D Anyway, I wanted to play a bit as well, but there wasn't much left when started considering it.
Yeah same as me :( no TAG this season ?
this season TAG decided not to go for another fail :)
they don't give up until the last breath don't listen to robogay

also rumours say that devilry might be in need of 2 due to departure of the only ones who actually played @ old one: Dolar & miks :{
better than expected, i would say perferct for premier div.
lol, its getting worse every year, good teams have to fill up with bad players, your expectations before must´ve been really shitty
my expectations are the worst :D
Gentlemen wasnt playing ec this year i heard, same for t4
considering how few teams signed up, only 8 teams should participate in EC imo
gonna be 16 anyway, welcome to CB
gMen got this
LOL mama thought you were in the kitchen cooking for me
devilry lu problems .. for now not participating
dawaj do nas na enga Czarek!
lesti mnie nie lubii !
to ty dawaj do nas !
seems to get interesting = ]
someone sticky this !!

nice post :)
you can rename firstdream as Queens btw
well that lasted long ":D"
add decerto, players team , t4 , effectus and dunno about dialers team
yeah where is t4 omg omg
I guess many of these lineups will be changed, because people still do serious-business-stabs-in-2013
ja tez moge stabnąć kogoś i pograć z wami !
what fanatic said, also I originally titled this EC/OC but changed it (can't remember why, onto my second bottle of red by the time I submitted it).

edit: also teams were taken from recent news posts only (hence some other maybe expected line-ups are missing).
new season, same nerds
lol xd at frogs applying for the best team in order to win :dX/dx/:dxDX/dx/dx/Dxd:dx/dx/xd:dx/D/DX/xd:dX/xd:DX/DX/DX/x
Estoniamant backup
keep trying mate maybe you will reach main next EC season hehe
omg olas w ec ;dd
if anyone wants to send me line-up stabs/changes I will update main post etc.
sick6 : An7ho freeze KRESTi Oxy subbi twidi toxic

firstdream is now known as queens:
razz koop sqzz phyzic chry nait
Yeah thats what i get
Go go go bsturz
Funny head-hunters lineup:

ridji - busted multiple times prolly still cheating
wssquad - busted, most obvious skilldrop on lan ever
hunter - busted, obvious aimer EDIT: OK OK FORGET ABOUT HIM
gruchaaa - busted if I remember right
Michalek - has ever been playing with Polish cheaters
Aima - busted many times? :D

wssquad was at one lan (not sure about which are you talking about..) drunk as fuck, that he was happy that he did sit behind the pc..

that drunkegnlish
he was busted after his lan appearance tho and he even made a typical cheater post with things like HAHAHA IM A FUCKING NINJA IVE BEEN CHEATING FOR 1234567 YEARS HUEHUEHUE IM SO CLEVER
hunter has been busted?
pretty sure he's served a ban in the past, can't find any links now tho... :/
his cb acc appears to be clean, weird

anyway, do you think he is?
no i think hes trash
he was busted like 4-5 years ago, had some triangle at yawn, then someoen did IP matching on crossfire and ya he was banned for a short time , dno why he got unbanned
hunter wasn't busted. pure beast
oh noes
hunter,gruchaa,Michalek never were banned idiot...
hunter was
gruchaa and Michalek (never said hes was btw) weren't tho
u mean killercwelboy's paint skills ?:XD
hunter war noch nie drauf. hättest ihn auch bei der polnischen lan sehen sollen, ziemlich gut!
Aso, hmkay... CGS oder welche war das dann?
Muss zugeben: Bei hunter bin ich mir nicht sicher gewesen, war vlt ein unberechtigt "radikaler" Flame :s
bei der polnischen gesellschaft kann man schon mal verallgemeinern, kann ich verstehen :D
Hunter never busted afaik? You're right about the rest tho :)
Edited it... guess you guys are right about that one :S
Will update Friday/Saturday, as above please post/pm line-up changes (and logo changes if any).
tMoe: fanatic dialer wiaderko Frag'Stealer grzesiek furman hassaN
:h: ridji hunter Michalek Aima Kento Estaloth fixxxer capone
bF: AL1 Sup3r chizz6l uNDEAd Gifted crook
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