Lullaby avi

Hello lads. I'm avi for the upcoming OC or maybe even EC.

I would say im decently skilled, im sure some ppl may say otherwise but let them flame. I can play medic/fops/eng, really don't care what class or position you put me into. Avi when you need me. Got 4 years of experience and also in higher skill levels.

You should be somewhat stable , pref if i know any of you, aiming for OC prem or higher.

Pm me here or IRC Lunastus.

If you're broken mouse I know you, if not then I don't know where you came from tbh.
Brokenmaus is not me. It is another EE cheater.
that was hennesy?
Hennessy and bodyshooter
sup with your team with elliot and synce?
Still is there but not so sure about it atm.
Quote by lullabyskilled

fuck me
Skilled, hah gaaayy
Sup my favourite english guy ! :)
Skilled ; Dd:xddd;:dDD:;)((
Yu cry too much
EC? lol?
No brain, syringe unbinded (also misses like 2 times before hits a revive), frags over crucial obj dyna plants, only take if need aim and ramboing medic that doesn't revive.

Just recieved a message from Leku :" WTF are you smoking lullaby has shit aim."

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