RtCW spring cup mappool.

Without any further add-o im going ask directly here from the players which map you want to see as a new map and which map you want to see out from the current mappool.

The current mappool is: mp_ice; mp_assault; mp_base; mp_village; te_frostbite; mp_beach

Make sure you put full mappool consisting of 7 different maps. Can be any custom map. So if you wanna have a vote in this and your also playing in the new cup which is going to be announced this sunday. Please do vote and be serious about it. Thanks!

PS. http://www.breezie.be/rtcw/mapdownloader/index.php - database to look for some maps and test them before voting!

EDIT: Mappool can include 7 maps aswell!
I'm definitely not in favor of doing a new map pool consisting of 6 new maps. The classic maps are the best in my opinion and my interest in the next cup will drop dramatically if a substantial number (or maybe any) of them are removed. I came back to play RTCW and do not want to play custom maps imo. I think the roster changes, new teams, and people learning from their experiences in the last cup will make this spring cup very iteresting. Additionally, there is still a novelty in competing in rtcw in 2013--its been a long time since a lot of us competed in the game. All new maps are definitely not needed and in my opinion would be a big blow to the next cup.

I'm in favor of keeping the current map pool and trying to enact changes to other aspects of the cup if changes are needed. A less restrictive config and mandatory antilag would be what i suggest. Also, if some maps are not being played we could try a best of 5 instead of a best of 3 for each match.
how do we vote then?
+ braundorf_b5
+ adlernest_b3
+ te_ufo
+ te_infamy
+ brescia
+ tundra_rush_beta
wow had no idea some of those maps had been converted, nice one!
feel free to test em out and give some feedback :)!
i don't get why nobody from 1.4 knows about it :D it was played in so many cups on 1.0 and it was a really awesome map
dont take any of the old list out. i think we can have 8 maps so add te_ufo and escape2. or at least te_ufo. perfectly playable map on 6on6... homie ET maps should be studied as well cause it would bring more interaction between ET and RTCW and we definitely need them to keep rtcw alive.
i think we should test adlernest & braundorf again for 6v6. Both maps do have potential to be playable on rtcw, i can still make the required changes if necessary :)
When you converted Braundorf, you changed some objectives, right? What did you change compared to the ET-version?
there is no cp & there is no blowable fence, so that entrance is always open, also axis don't respawn back automatically when main/side is blown when they still have the flag (i tried scripting it but it failed everytime). rest is same. a lot of people complained that there should be a cp spawn, but imo i don't really see the need for it, as it doesn't take much longer to get to the objective
Well, i can imagine side is now only usefull, when the attacking engie is sneaking thru or attacking team is taking the flag right after the axis spawned there/giving them full. If the allies take the flag and the axis spawn 5-10sec after the flagcap they can easily set up defense. In this case side is kinda useless, because it's a long way to the bunker entrance and then you have to run thru a small chokepoint, plus you have to get pass the axis respawn.
I think all of this gives the attacking team a hard time, when they choose to go there. Just theory, tho. :)
I thought frostbite and braundorf originally got converted from RTCW to ET, not the other way round? :o
Am I wrong...?
Frostbite is a RtCW-map. Braundorf was/is an ET-map, atleast it wouldn't make much sense for Belgium homie to convert it. :)
oh, ok
thx for clearing up :)
Just type 6 maps that you think should be played in the new cup. If you wanna keep it the same type it.
why add more maps when good maps like base/assault (already in the mappool) are underplayed? think adding chateau is going to change people playing the maps they want?! x)

e: this isn't a comment directed at anyone specifically.
tundra rush; mp_ice; mp_assault; mp_base; mp_village; te_frostbite; mp_beach
wl_ufo, mp_ice; mp_assault; mp_base; mp_village; te_frostbite; mp_beach

tundra rush, axis complex, village, ufo, assault, beach, the river, base
+ braundorf_b5
+ adlernest_b3
+ te_ufo
braundorf, with rtcw's panzer? and endless arti spam on the main roads? :(( Pls stahp. Adler and ufo are definitely great though.
Oxy, you are a wise man!
Even if i really dont like ufo...:O)

+++++++ kung fu grip (GOLDRUSH MODE :D)
No et maps plz :(
Keep: mp_assault; mp_base; mp_village; te_frostbite; mp_beach
Add: te_ufo (more doc runs) or tundra_rush (some great doc runs)
Keep the current 6 maps, add Te_ufo and Tundra.
Keep the 6 current maps and add UFO & Tundra
QuoteWithout any further add-o im going ask directly here from the players which map you want to see as a new map and which map you want to see out from the current mappool.

Frostbite out ~ UFO in.
Im fine with current maps but perhaps assault is a bit stale and could be dropped for one cup. UFO is always a good map to play and watch imo. Sub too can be good but most teams dont know how to defend it - tundra is a pretty awful map so try and avoid. chateau can be good also but like sub, it has issues with a lot of teams.

so: base, beach, ice, village frost and assault or ufo ;]
Pls no ET maps.

drop assault and add ufo :)
why only 6 - drop assault to add a less good map? just add ufo to what's already there... and make a rule whereby teams can't choose the same map week after week. 60% of the last cup was played on frostbite. no et maps & no escape2
IF you want to remove a map from the current mappool it would have to be either BASE or ASSAULT

The only 2 maps that have potential to be added are imo ESCAPE or UFO. (not wl_ufo but te2_ufo)
Maybe give us a hint on how big the map pool is going to be?
If the pool is small I don't want to see other maps, if it's bigger I would like to see new maps, hence my problem...
And I think the opinion of the players isn't relevant. It's the opinion of the crowd that matters. :)
assault out, adlernest in
# Assault
# base
# beach
# ice
# frostbite
# village

+++ ufo
it’s not to small and not to big.. just a great map with nice games in the past..

/// escape? No!
to small.. it’s hard enough to attack in 3on3.. how it will be in 6on6? Fullhold, fullhold, fullhold, fullhold…

/// tundra? Dunno!
it’s a really nice map… maybe to big..

/// et maps? PLEASE.. NO!

assault, base, beach, ice, frostbite, village, ufo
Take out assault add ufo gg!
was assault even played in the last cup? i know many in stream wanted to see it.
it was forced for one or two games in the groupstage - no one picked it in the playoffs
pmcg picked it against us which was the only 1
add ufo and tundra rush and lets get it onnnnn!

maybe assault out since only 1 team picked this map.
People playing rtcw again?
For over 6 months already
Nice! Not sure if I want to soil the good memories I have by going back and sucking at it :P
You mean you missed the huge RTCW cup? check the vods of http://www.twitch.tv/warwitchtv
and don't worry, there are plenty of people to carry you :)
Ye I haven't played ET in ages and RTCW in over 6 years, so I'm not really up to date.
I remember being pretty good at the game, so if I try playing it again and fail, it ruins those great memories :p
There's a new tournament coming up btw ;)
even longer actually
during groupstage IMO could run with an 8-map (same 6 we had + sub and ufo) pool, and for each match have a sub-pool of three maps, and each team picks one. Both teams could pick the same map if they so choose. Something like, lets assume its 5 weeks again for group:

week 1: assault, village, or beach
week 2: frostbite, assault, or sub
week 3: base, ufo, or ice
week 4: ice, base, or beach
week 5: village, frostbite, or sub

or something along the likes of that.
better to force in groupstage so that you can get pracs against any team. Also makes certain that certain maps will be played, doubt ufo or sub would be played at all in that format so would be pointless to add.
Tundra, ice, frost, village, base, assault, beach

ufo or sub would be awesomeness aswell

ET maps are for ET
Many of you know that ET accepted and uses many RTCW maps (some more successfully than others).

Please don't start with the ET vs RTCW map hate, it really bores me. Each game is fantastic but everyone should be open to sharing/playing similar maps to attract teams/players to/from both games.

Adlernest_b3 is probably the only viable ET to RTCW map at the moment (unless someone converts Radar too).
god yes tundra is roxing
I'd have to agree with the majority here that a completely new map pool would hurt the tournament. The addition of one or two maps would however change things slightly enough where things would be a little fresher yet consistent.

Tundra Rush

Along with the existing map pool would be a great set of maps for this tournament.

Can't wait for this cup to begin!
+back to carnage
Yes on pacific! that map was awesome, despite the glitches.
a wise man!
no bias at all on dat easy panz map :PP
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