Sign up for EC/OC!

image: spring2013

Don't forget to sign up for the ClanBase EC/OC Spring 2013! So far, seventy-six teams have signed up for the 3on3 OC with fifty teams for the 6on6 OC & EC. Signups close tomorrow - Sunday 31st.

Why haven't YOU signed up yet?

Sign up for the 3on3 OC Spring 2013 here!

Sign up for the 6on6 OC Spring 2013 / EC XXVII here!

ClanBase ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2013 - Sign Up!
ClanBase ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 - Sign Up!

ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII - Sign Up!
Avi for 3on3:

Skill level: med+
Class preferred: Medic (+covert)
Language(s): English & Finnish
Days/times available: When needed(every second week avi after 22:00cet/21:00 gmt)
Contact: /q BossHK or PM here
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