Need CFers' opinion!!!

Hey bunch of nolifers!!!
Since all my journals get deleted I wont put any effort in this one. You can thank admin(s) for their nazi behavior. Damn Romaniaunforgiven was so right !!!
Anywayz, my friends and I had an interesting discussion yesterday and I was wondering if you guys find her attractive :
image: Thomas-alias-Josiane_portrait_w674
rate from 0 to 10.
Thanks in advance,

e: is that you?
looks like a male emo with artificial hair. and the longer you watch her the uglier she gets 8 : ]
0 baguette 2 croissant 7 fondue
that's a bloke mate, at least from that angle. Post some more fotos and more correct ratings will be given.
1 ugly gay dressed as a prostitute
that kind of fringe makes girls look so hideous!

but regarding the man in the picture he's about a 5
no not really
that head, alien

Looks like a sculpture made out of stone, just got carried away and carried on chiseling away at the chin
fail troll


Thomas de secret story !! ugly
:XDDDDD soit dit en passant j'aime la façon dont tu fais rager sur gtv
Lol tout en douceur il faut les faire rager sans insulte et ça fonctionne ;D
se la undo igual
4 if its a girl 6 if its tranny
im afraid you're a weird kind of homosex bruv
pleased to meet you
probably Francis and his friend wanna troll us :D 0, if a girl with nice boobs, then maybe 1
horrible haircut
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