First world problems


Recently I moved to Germany and I am having this annoying problem.........
I heard from a lot of germans that downloading music ilegally here is not actually a good idea, some friends told me they downloaded a couple of full albums and they got 1000 EUR fines..., other people even go further and had to deal with court issues and shit and ofc I dont wanna be paying that or having legal probs.
So I need help here.:
Well I need my music, need new music, need to find a way around it. First I had all my youtube account blocked by a GMA or smth , but that was easily solved with a proxy (using hotspotshield btw) , now my question here is :
Can I -get caught- if I download music using a proxy or vpn ? As for example that one I mention?
I have been reading about this on the internet and its kinda 50/50 , some ppl say ye they bust you anyways , some others say I am not sure what to believe.

If not possible, what do you germans use to legally download music , or listen to music ? I tried Xbox music 1 month free trial and I liked it but eventually my inet speed goes rlly down on my phone so the song will stop every 2 secs to load not an option, is there any service which you can pay a monthly or so subscription and get to "download" the songs to your device, like no inet connection needed?

Any other suggestions are kindly taken !
Never heard about someone being "caught" or fined because of downloading music, lol
I heard this from 3 people already, one even showed me the fine he had to pay xd
oh pls stfu, I am not sure why u keep posting those stupid videos, in the real world copyrights work very different as you got it in ur head man. I dont mean to be mean here but pls , dont tell me to educate myself when u clearly have no clue about that subject whatsoever, u think u do cuz u saw 2 videos about this joke guy
it actually happens in germany that u get caught, but i download music from youtube etc, never had problems, u just shouldnt use torrents etc, cuz they are obviously kinda izi to track

or just get a friend who downloads for you :D
never heard about someone getting caught.
But can try spotify? Listen to music with commercial "breaks", it's legal.
Or grooveshark.
or pandora
also not avi in germany
pls, i use it 24/7, in germany.
banned in germany
Ja but you can get an add-on to make it work or use groovedown etc. Stupid licensing crap
No problems getting music here in Germany. Also in the news the polizei got caught downloading on their computers but the case got dropped x)

Get music from torrents, ftp, search for blah blah album mediafire on google/filestube.
In most EU countries you cannot get fined for downloading music, only for sharing. However, if you use torrents, that's another story, because you are automatically sharing it right away.

Quotewhat do you germans use to legally download music , or listen to music ?

As I said, it is not illegal to download music per se (and why on earth would be illegal listening to music?). However, if you want to be save, either download albums/singles that are explicitly said to be free or buy your music.
Spotify works fine
+1 100% free music streaming
Spotify is great and all but I think targeted towards more mainstream music :( blogspot ftw. or Usenet
what are you doing in germany?
Chemical imports
QuoteRecently I moved to Germany

what? :D
went to asslick german players
yo jon im mad fucked up atm and ur comment made me lol
lol asslicking cb admins now man , you are killing me hhaha
I tthink I even told you before the nc lol
ah ok :P don't remember!
LOL nice making lol comments
get ur head out of his asshole
hahaha man wtf you are soo deep on cf admins and u going now for cbs admins assholes , your face is gonna end so brown S
ok lets be mates
ive been using torrentleech for ages now in Germany and nothing happened. however, once and really only once i used a public torrent site to download a german music album and i was sued for 2 of the songs. 290 € each.
So is not like nothing actually happened , since you got sued lol
well paying 580 € i wouldnt call nothing
how can you move to germany, pleeeease
Best thing to do!
you can never truly be untrackable on the internets
proxy will normaly not help you at all
VPN will normaly cover you fully

plenty of free sites and ways to listen and download legaly, especialy for "underground" stuff or remixes, there is request "radios" also ofc but spotify is recommended.
I dont fully understand the difference between a vpn and a proxy, do you mind explaining :S?
Well to put it short and simple, a proxy pretty much acts as an intermediary routing node while a VPN acts like a remote network(kind of a psuedo ISP-setup).

I guess you are not very interested in networking so the practicals would probably be something like:

Proxy is often used to bypass blockades of content or sites, often free and simple to setup, poor quality and lagg is a common trait because of the accessibility and massive amount of users supported. Provides one ASL-shield bar. There is even sites that can act as a proxy through your browser.

VPN(paid ones, I wont speak about free) often have a monthly or yearly little fee, very secure, faster and more customizations. They are a bit harder to set up and most often you can only use it on one unit. There has been about a handfull of cases where VPN providers has given out information about users (after court cases I believe), where proxy providers even have to bend to ISP requests.
I am actually interested , thats why I asked , thanks for the summary I get it now, is there any particular vpn you would recommend me? I have heard a lot of good comments about this one:
did u just google that ?
I am not trolling this time ;( Used it back when I wanted to spam for #ET.6on6 and #ET.3on3 :P
At Germany you can get arrested and sent to jail what people think you MIGHT HAVE INTENDED TO DO. Basically you can get caught already by sharing your thoughs here(and thats pretty strong evidence already). Enjoy ur prison time.
Wondering who the fuck gave You internet-access these days
Thanks for all the suggestions !
I will definately try spotify free month trial and see if I like, since many said thats cool.

I also read some funny , if I go on torrents and download a lot of stuff(music and movies) from a random wifi hotspot (example: starbucks) , well they get fined and not me (ofc because the ip is theirs xd) , so I am considering this option too in case I dont like spotify or if I can confirm a VPN would be 100% safe for me to do my normal downloads.
I would pay to download music but ehhh nah I think I have more important stuff to spend my money in and they still cost about 0.99 cent per song, having over 20GB of music I would have to spend a lot.
If you can find a hotspot where they dont block the content you want and at the same time provide a reasonable speed, lucky you. There is no way in hell anyone would dig hard to catch you stealing some tunes and movies. lol
Yea I found one that actually takes me 2 min per song to download, I kinda hope they wont get in trouble because of me but oh well .
Why do you care, you're a selfish Colombian.
I am not selfish xd, dont bash on me nigguh
Try for dem musics ,or else good old intitle:"index of" google.hack
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