NC of forfeits?
1 Apr 2013, 19:28
Apparently UK already won over NL by forfeit and now DE will do same over PL as game was forced over time of Easter, when people travel to families.
KRESTi • my mates dont agree after talking such a bullshit about us.
This is how DE rolls NC. GG NC of forfeits, wp CB for lovely forces without any attempt to speak with teams and this stage of competition and in current state of ET. I am dissapoint best admin ohurcool.
I mean ffs, Jesus died so we could enjoy some NC games and you waste his courage like that? Shame on you people.
KRESTi • my mates dont agree after talking such a bullshit about us.
This is how DE rolls NC. GG NC of forfeits, wp CB for lovely forces without any attempt to speak with teams and this stage of competition and in current state of ET. I am dissapoint best admin ohurcool.
I mean ffs, Jesus died so we could enjoy some NC games and you waste his courage like that? Shame on you people.
y u heff to be mad
yo lmfao ur
a complete piece of shit
suck my dick bro
just the tip lol
"Golf clap"
admins had no problems with rescheduling match of BEL after talking to them. guess those teams just didnt talk to admins.