Justin Bieber banned from night club

cool story, ive been banned from clubs too :), justin bad boy :P
fucking fanboys! next thing you know, he'll try to play ET
wtf he doing in a shitty country like austria ?
ha, gayyyyyyyyyyy!
he can go anywhere else, anyways nice gay watching justin bieber related news , are you a lil 12 year old girl or smth ?
Nothing to add here*
He will die at 27
its a tragedy, really
Wow man
My alarm clock showed 10:42. I had gone to bed a few hours ago, but for some reason returned to the realm of the living, wide awake. My phone buzzed. The color of the LED (blue) told me that I had received an e-mail. I pressed the home button and it revealed a series of tests, which I had to complete before I could enter my phone. The first test was the sweep pattern. An easy test for he who is truly the master of the phone. This also seemed to be the only test, as I was soon brought to my homescreen. I have a phone with a touch screen. Looking back, if i didn't, all this might've never happened. My finger got closer to the e-mail icon. This all seemed to happen in real-time. I heard the satisfying "bwup" from hitting an icon. AN icon. It was the wrong one. I had, in my hurry, opened Google Chrome. Being the nerd I am it was still open on Crossfire, this journal to be exact. Then I saw it... the face. Just looking at me. I yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT" but it kept looking. It was rather uneasing
I know right, uneased the shit out of me
so i heard u had the time of ur lyfe yesterday
Someone should beat him hard.
I volunteer. I guarantee it will be hard and painful, but really tender.
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