Josh Groban singing Kanye West's tweets

Hello crossies!

A couple of days ago I stumbled upon this super awesome video recorded for Jimmy Kimmel's show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" starring one of my favourites singers Josh Groban and I think it's deffinitely worth sharing :P Enjoy!

Have a nice evening fellas!
ok look here nigga ive tried to be civil but ur ass wont let me ok im serious u think u can just come online and feed us with ur shit but no thats not how it works lil nigga so u better stop
ok look here nigga ive tried to be civil but ur ass wont let me ok im serious u think u can just come online and buy bot at with ur shit but no thats not how it works lil nigga so u better stop
didnt u cheat and shit , i read it on that other shit journal about u nigga, i hope u stop fanboying me alrdy and i hope u stop posting justin bieber shit and also this sort of faggot shit u consider awesome, no wonder ppl say u are a retard nigga u better stop
yo nigga, this shit aint funny dawg, if your skinny cracker ass want sum funny shit you better listen to richard pryor, now dat nigga's funny, shiiiit
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