Single Player games.


I will have some sparetime on the weekend so I'd like to play some SP Games! Suggest me some please
requiements like the following games:
Wolfenstein, Borderlands 2, CoD BlackOps and stuff
WoW is good SP
moh aa !!
this community rly is stuck 10yrs in the past.
Mass effect 1-3, the best single player triology I played so far!
what kalli said, perhaps the new bioshock, dragon age, tomb raider
BioShock Infinity, Dead Space 3 probably the best new titles out at the moment. Ofcourse you can just play the RTCW SP over and over!:D
not rtcw, wolfenstein 2009
heard the new Bioshock was awesome! If you like strategic games, i'd advice you to buy Starcraft II HOTS
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