Mouse Wheel Button


I have a Razer DiamondBack mouse, just repraired it(broken cable), plugged in installed drivers and stuff, but I've got a weird problem.
If the driver is installed I can't use the Mouse Wheel Button, I tried every possible set-up in the driver, but not working. It's really annyoing if I want to open a new page like that. Edit: scrolling is fine, clicking not.
If I don't have the driver installed it works perfectly fine.
Any solutions? And YES, I want the driver installed.

Good Night!
razer cheap products man, had 2 broken deathadders already in the trashcan
its my 3rd diamondback, it's the first i have problems with. the other 2 are working perfectly fine for 4 years
so why is this your 3rd then ;)? You have 2 more working, why not use them? And if you mean you had those 2 mouses working fine in a period of 4 years, that I would assume means you had each one working fine for 2 years until they broke, so 2 years for a mouse is cheap. My 1st deathadder was 1 year then mouse4 broke, 2nd one was the cable that broke and thats about that.
my friend needed a gaming mouse so I gave him my first db(non lightning) because I wanted to buy a magma one (red) (it was in 2008) then a day later I bought the magma styled, used it until I played ET, when I stopped playing games I gave the mouse to my bro. i just bought a new one for 3€ with broken cable, fixed it.
thats it.
all 3 working fine ( the previous 2 had no cable, button or any problems at all)
u would have to find a registry entry in drivers thats is set wrong

has it already worked with exactly those drivers ??
I googled the problem and many ppl have issues with Wheel Button under Windows 7 x64, it worked with the drivers and it IS actually working on other PC (Win XP). So the Windows must cause the problem. Eversince there is an official driver for Win7 x64 on razer site I use that.

Where shall I find that registry entry?
i have 2 deathadders one of them it was bought in 2007 or smth like that, and it is working perfectly... and the 2nd one is the new version i pref the old one tbh :D
maybe download 3G drivers? XD
I really liked the diamondback, used it for a long time - but really its not a top mouse, g400 is literally the dogs bollocks in software and its a rock, I could throw it out my house and it would still work - I broke 2 diamondbacks just left clicking :D
Two MX510s (laptop mouse/borrowed to a friend), one MX700 (sucked ass), one MX518 (so old that the coating started peeling off), one G5 (sucked ass) and now on a G400. None of them ever had any technical issues and I haven't used any drivers since the MX700.
I reccomend the g400 drivers, they are as good if not better then the mouse itself - works really well with win7 too as there is no messing around if you want to change hz.
What extra functionality do the drivers have to offer? All my buttons worked and have worked just fine on both Windows XP and Windows 7.
its mainly the dpi and hz change option, Im not sure if Win7 has a problem anymore but originally it was a lot of trouble to change the mouse polling rate.
It runs 1000 hz and 400/800/1600/3200 dpi by default without drivers.
not bad :) how do you know what DPI you are running without drivers?

guess only main difference is being able to rebind the buttons to keystrokes on mouse then including the little ones, nice for old games like RTCW which doesnt recognise them.
It defaults to 800 dpi every restart. I've been playing with 800 dpi for so long that it doesn't take me long to notice if I change it by accident. :D
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