6on6 offi tonight
7 Apr 2013, 13:10
is looking for a 6on6 CB offi tonight around 21CET. (also wednesday same time)
Challenge: http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?wars=1&cid=1766966&lid=12339
PS: easy win for you because master esSe is not playing
(10slot TS3 1year(-20%) £19.20 + 14slot private ET Server 1year(-20%) £53.76
72,96£ = 89,401e (at the moment of rent)
50% winnings from 20e/person = 10e, so 6x 10e = 60e. But I'm fair guy and I'll pay the rest 20e from my own pocket(20e because ~90e-60e = 30e - my own 10e share = 20e)
Btw expecting you to win dat thing or else...