now thats what I call selfbust xd
He may unban himself tho :PP
ok stop trolling with your website now we're already the 8th of april

Thanks to these nerds, cheaters industry is now richer. Congratulations guys!!!

image: cheaterindustry

QuoteOnce a cheater, always a cheater. - LeFrancis (1941)
Quite a few of those guys didn't actually donate, they just helped out with promoting and things like it and got the donator status as a 'reward'.
no Problem :)
want 10 cent also?
im offended being on the same list as unforgiven
Kamz gets kicked of his throne as biggest troll on ET?:DD
This wasn't troll.

It was just useless thing he did for money.. So basically Thief :X
Sortoff trolled the community into thinking he was serious... It's a low move, and I have to say unexpected from how I know him.
I would just want to know, when he decided to seriously quit.. Like if TZACv3 announcement was just something to gain him time - or he actually was thinking about making it...
is that cher dead yet?
I dont see the big deal? Might be wrong but doesnt that mean he is just testing stuff to see if it gets detected? or--?
was thinking the same thing
yeah lol
these kids are a bunch of fuckin faggots
He can do that outside of the server.
Kenzi mate......
Shut the fuck up you piece of inbred little shit
That escalated quickly ;p
thats what she said
Kenzi poor nerd
don't be silly, he wanted to close tzac, saw some unexpected money coming his way, so he pretended to continue it with a new version even, put it down anyways 'blabla government' and now he's mad that he was caught lying
Then he should probably unban himself if that was the case :)
he was testing TZAC !!
21:21… Unable to join #tzac (you're banned)

idiot, he probably have many undected cheats & accounts ! its his fucking tool !
this was just posted on his website, so I guess I was right and I still dont see the big deal:...

news from chaplja
"yes, i was really cheating in ET and accidentally got caught", it is safe to believe that this explains why the newspost on this blog was posted literally five seconds after the ban on the site.
Under that you can see a -troll face.img-

Below he posted himself the link for his "bust"
Below , couple days ago a simpsons image where u can read "TEST" and right after a youtube video of him testing hacks..
dafuq did I just read

dat video is older than your CF account
my point is that he was intentionally testing stuff
what for? #tzac channel dead, source code released. did he test it to improve tzac? lol nope
I have a feeling that the message the author was trying to convey with the Simpsons image has less to do with testing things, and more to do with cheating.

Same with the image just below it, it is a picture of a student reading off a cheat sheet while writing an exam.
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