8 Apr 2013, 17:07
come on! :DD:D:
In other news: http://www.isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/
come on! :DD:D:
In other news: http://www.isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/
Thanks to these nerds, cheaters industry is now richer. Congratulations guys!!!
It was just useless thing he did for money.. So basically Thief :X
these kids are a bunch of fuckin faggots
news from chaplja
"yes, i was really cheating in ET and accidentally got caught", it is safe to believe that this explains why the newspost on this blog was posted literally five seconds after the ban on the site.
Under that you can see a -troll face.img-
Below he posted himself the link for his "bust"
Below , couple days ago a simpsons image where u can read "TEST" and right after a youtube video of him testing hacks..
dat video is older than your CF account
Same with the image just below it, it is a picture of a student reading off a cheat sheet while writing an exam.