Demo Scanning
9 Apr 2013, 21:49
I was wondering if it is possible to scan ETTV demos directly.
Since the people I asked didn't understand what I meant, I'll try to explain it a bit better:
- The old method was to request a game on GamesTV, record it while watching, scan the newly formed demo with the fragscanner.
What I would like to have is: Download the ETTV demo from GamesTV, immediately scan it somehow.
Thanks in advance.
I was wondering if it is possible to scan ETTV demos directly.
Since the people I asked didn't understand what I meant, I'll try to explain it a bit better:
- The old method was to request a game on GamesTV, record it while watching, scan the newly formed demo with the fragscanner.
What I would like to have is: Download the ETTV demo from GamesTV, immediately scan it somehow.
Thanks in advance.
then fastforward (ff in etconsole) to whatever times the frags occurred. you can see each time of the fragsprees when using with the demoscanner.